Chapter Two: First Day of School (Part 1)

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Your alarm woke you up at 6:30 in the morning, eliciting a groan from you as you blindly swung your arm to shut it off. Your eyes cracked open and you sighed, knowing that you wouldn't be able to force yourself to go back to sleep. You sat up, rubbing your eyes and yawning. 

You stumbled to your closet, tugging a shirt and jacket off of a hanger and grabbing a pair of folded jeans. You went to the bathroom, fumbling in the darkness for a few moments before you found it, and flicked on the light. Your eyes stung slightly at the change in exposure, but you quickly adjusted and reached for the shower knob.

You took a quick shower, drying off and slipping into your outfit for the day. It was more than halfway through the school year, but it was your first day at your new school, and you couldn't lie, you were a little nervous. 

You brushed out your hair as best you could, noting that it was actually a pretty good hair day so far, which was nice. You'd already packed a backpack the night before, mostly out of anxiety of oversleeping, so all you had to do was eat breakfast, then brush your teeth, and you were out the door. Your parents had offered to give you a ride for the first day, so you weren't worried about getting sweaty while walking or being harassed on the bus. 

You made yourself some cereal, busying yourself on your phone while you were still allowed to be on it. You weren't sure whether or not your new school was going to be strict about that sort of thing, but you didn't want to find out the hard way. 

In a mere thirty minutes your parents were up and ready to drive you to school, already jokingly calling you nicknames and taunting you as if they'd do it in front of the whole school. You brushed their teasing off with an exasperated smile, knowing that they wouldn't dare. You sat in the backseat with your backpack, rolling down your window slightly for some fresh air and making sure that your lunch money was securely tucked into your wallet in the front of your bag. You hoped there wasn't a communal cafeteria like there was in every 80's movie to date, those were always portrayed as complete hell. And, anyways, you had no one to sit with. 

You briefly remember your hostile encounters with the boy next door as you pulled out of your driveway, seeing him and his friends sitting and presumably waiting for the bus on his front steps. You were suddenly embarrassed that your parents were giving you a ride, sinking slightly lower in your seat and locking your eyes on your phone. You heard the definite sound of the boy snickering, making some comment about how 'you still need your parents to drive you around', and 'why weren't you in your carseat?'

You heard his friends chastise him, thankful that he seemed to be the only one in the group that had a completely unfounded hatred towards you. You really didn't know what you could have done. 

The rest of the ride to school was quiet, you put your headphones in and let music play softly in the background while you did a double check to be sure that you got everything. The car pulled up at your new school in only a few moments and you stepped out quickly, thanking your parents for the ride and rushing up the steps so that no one else saw you getting a ride from them. You were grateful for the ride, for sure, but now you were self conscious. 

You went to the front office to get your schedule, seeing the bus pull up at the front of the school as you stood waiting. You averted your eyes, wanting to stay as far away from the boy next door, (Wooyoung, was his name?) as possible, even if you were going to the same school. 

The receptionist finally noticed you standing near the entrance, tugging off one side of her headset and gesturing you forwards with a warm smile.

"Welcome! I heard we were getting a new student today. Y/N Y/L/N, right?"

You nodded, smiling back at her and taking the schedule that she handed to you. You scanned over your class list for a moment, seeing that all the courses that you'd agreed upon before with the counselors. You thanked the woman, hearing the door open behind you but not paying any mind to who it could be until you heard a scoff. You recognized the voice, willing yourself to stay facing the receptionist and ignore Wooyoung and his group of friends. 

You took the small slip of paper that your locker code was neatly printed on, stuffing it in your backpack and sliding your schedule in the front of one of your binders. You had no idea where any classrooms were, but you'd get to that when it happened. 

You finalized your plans with the receptionist, making sure that you had everything that you needed before turning and bumping straight into Wooyoung. You barely had time to realize what was going on before he was grabbing you by the arms and pushing you to the side, clearing his path to the desk. The receptionist gave him a sharp glare, asking if you were okay and seeming rather dissatisfied with your mumbled affirmations.

You straightened your outfit, keeping your head down as you tried walking out of the office but the receptionist called you back, "Y/N? Don't you need someone to show you around?"

You sighed, cursing under your breath as you turned back, desperately wishing to just get out of there, "I'll find my way around eventually, it's okay."

"I really think you should get a guide, just for today. Well, here, how about-" She looked at Wooyoung, clearly still upset that he'd manhandled you like he had earlier.

You watched one of Wooyoung's friend's eyes widen as he blurted, "I'll do it. Not him." He roughly pointed at Wooyoung before stepping away from the group and towards you, "Let's go, where's your first class?"

You fumbled for your schedule, seeing that your first class was your math class, somewhere in their math building. You didn't know where that was.

"Okay, I know where that is. That's my first period too. You can come with me. Bye guys, we'll head out now." He grabbed your arm, starting for the door and barely letting you have a chance to think before you were both out in the hallway and you could feel Wooyoung's burning glare on your back.

You let him lead you around a corner, accidentally bumping into him when he abruptly stopped, "Here, sit down for a second." He gestured to a bench to your left and you slowly sat down, looking up at him with a suspicious glance.

"I'm Jongho. That was Wooyoung. And I'm sorry."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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