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Where Peaceful Waters Flows devotional is filled with Gods’ loving words to us. It is written as if you are spending time at the Master’s feet and He is ministering to you with refreshing words of comfort to feed your weary and wounded soul. Words which will restore and revive you to change your mourning into gladness, and your dark night into day. 

This devotional can be used during your quiet with the Lord as you sit with Him each day. Make it your special time with the Lord where you shut out everything and everybody just so you can be in His presence. As you allow the Lord to come into your quiet conversation each day, your relationship with Him will grow stronger and stronger. When you do this, you will find yourself handling things easier because you have spent time with Him first. You have given Him the “first fruits” of your day. You see with the Lord it is not always about the money; it is about honoring God with your very best. Honoring the Lord with the best you have to offer will enrich your life in a way in which you have never known all because you chose to honor Him with the first fruits of your day.

“Where Peaceful Waters Flow” is divided into two parts. The first part of the devotional book is called “BE STILL,” and it is filled with words of encouragement for your time when you are meditating and prayerfully sitting at His Feet. The second part of the devotional book is called “ARISE Praying with The Father In the Midnight Hour” and it is filled with responses received from the Holy Spirit during prayer and intercession time from crying out to the Lord during the midnight hours in prayer.  Get ready to spend time with the Lord to be refreshed, renewed and strengthened.  It is time to come to "Where Peaceful Waters Flow"

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Where Peaceful Waters Flow DevotionalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora