Sixteen's Blood

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It covered the sheets

the walls

her arms, thighs, and sides

it was everywhere but where it was supposed to be.

The small girl who had never hurt anyone

had broken and hurt herself

sawing away the innocence she used to protect her.

Her hair covered the pillow

the pills fallen beside her

swallowing her pride

she breathed in,

she lay screaming

No one could hear her

the house was empty

the streets bare

she was finally alone

She laid for hours

wishing To die

the blood never stopping it's flow

Finally the car pulled into the street

she sat up, walking blankly to the shower

wishing she could melt, flow down the drain

and maybe finally she'd be free.

The door slammed open,

drunk parents raving

tears falling.

it'd be another night she took care of them

another night her secret would be safe.

she swallowed another pill before going to them

fixing them food

changing their clothes

turning on their favorite show.

they never noticed their broken little girl

she disappeared as soon as she had come,

tired of the routine

she pretended to fall asleep

she turned, crying

She could hear every movement they made

every word they spoke

they called out for each other in soft tones

she'd never know that tone of voice

not directed at her

just each other.

waking up the house was empty again,

the floorboards creaking as she walked to the kitchen

She opened the bottle, she drank

she emptied it and grabbed another

and another

until finally the pills kicked in

and she fell asleep

her arms still bleeding

Maybe finally she'd be free.

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