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Rayman POV
After Nix got her eye patch we went out to the park
Fait POV
"Nai, what do you think we should do?" Than she tapped my shoulder and yelled Tag! While running away. These three are in for a ride....
Queen Nai POV
Oh my gosh when we got to the park we or I decided to play tag and tagged Fait while running "NO POWERS ALLOWED FAIT! BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW YOU CAN TELEPORT!!" I heard a "I didn't know." Fait said "BUT YPU KNOW I CANT RUN!!" Just than she teleported in front of me than you tagged me and disappeared again "NOO!!!"
Rayman POV
We started playing tag so I'm deciding to go to the near by playground and hide on there for a bit bu the craziest thing I didn't know was that Fait could teleport. You learn something everyday
Well I guess we are playing tag now I mean I could try to team up with somebody but I fear that they might betray me so I guess that's also off the table...

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