You and Me

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        Principal Randy told Kenzie to be Isaak's buddy but Johnny did not approve as they were spending time a lot together lately.

Johnny texted Kenzie to meet him in front of his locker.He looked around for Kenzie.But no sight of Kenzie anywhere."She must've forgot.Or she probably wants to spend more time with Isaak"he thought.

Then,Kenzie appeared behind him"Hey John"

Johnny turned around"Hey,Kenzie,can we talk?"

"Okay"her face changed to intense.

"Do you,need to meet up with Isaak today"he said nervously.

"I don't think so.Why?"

"Can we,walk home together"

"Of course we can".Kenzie could probably tell that Johnny was feeling insecure"Do you,think me and Isaak are together?"

"No,maybe,kinda"Johnny admitted.

Kenzie held Johnny's hand"Johnny.There is nothing going on with me and Isaak.It's just me and you,forever".They hugged.Johnny was so grateful having a girlfriend like Kenzie.

"Well,I better get to history class.See you later"Kenzie walked away.Johnny didn't want Kenzie to leave.He finds their relationship so much better than any relationship with her sister Lauren.

Lauren walked to him.Not making eye contact with him"Hey John.Just to let you know mom told us to walk home together and not with friends or,you know,Kenzie"she rolled her eyes.

"But why?!I haven't walked home with her the whole week yet!And I just promised to walk home with her a few seconds ago"

"You can walk with her.If you really want mom kicking your butt out of the house"

Johnny rolled his eyes and slammed his locker in front of her face.They hated each other more anyone one or anything in the world.

Hayden was literally the most miserable student of the month.He ate lunch by himself(But Nadia ate with him sometimes)walked home alone,and he had a science project that requires 2 students but he did it by himself.

One day,he was eating his favorite food in the world,(Mac and cheese)in the cafeteria when Nadia and her friends sashayed their way to him.

Hayden wanted to stand up for himself and stop being that miserable student"Listen Nadia,if you want me to be your victim again,I might hit my fist on your ugly face"

Nadia didn't feel as disgusted as she usually is,instead,she apologized to him.

Hayden looked shock as his known her as an annoying girl that liked sticking her nose to people's business."Why would you apologize?"

"I don't love you anymore.I'm falling for another guy"

Boys will usually get furious when hearing the news.But Hayden felt relieved and he has never felt happier in his whole entire life.He would be dancing around the school like drunk.But he just kept it inside his head,trying not to show it"Who?The new kid?"

"Yeah,he turned out to be,way cuter than you"

Hayden took it as a compliment.

"And you stink being my boyfriend.I never knew why I was always so nice to you.Anyway then,I am also gonna post a story on my  instagram account telling everyone to never date Hayden Summerall,cause he's a jerk!"Nadia and her friends flipped their hair at Hayden and sashayed their way to the corridor.

Hayden was excited for Nadia to write the story.He has had enough love and drama for a month.

From that day onwards,Hayden was no longer known as the miserable student but the jerk and he was happy about it.

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