Chapter 4: Escape?

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I woke up to being some where... safe feeling. I opened my eyes to see I was in somebody's arms. but my eyes were to heavy so I shut them. Then the persons body shifted getting closer. I panicked. I opened my eyes, looked over and saw ASHLEY PURDY! And that's when everything went black once again.

I woke once again and Ashley was gone. There was a bathroom in the bedroom so I did my business. I saw a closet. I opened it I was scared for what I saw. All my clothes... like all of them. My shirts,pants, and shoes, not that I had a lot but they were all here. So I grabbed my Green Day shirt. I also got my red skinny jeans and black converse. I got changed and layed down on the bed. I closed my eyes and just sat there, thinking... why are they kidnapping me. Why did they choose me. Why won't they let me go. WHY DID THEY BURN THE STAGE. WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO WITH CRISTA? Why the hell am I asking so many questions. I started to hear footsteps so I just ignored them. "Are you awake?" Someone asked, it sounded like Jinxx maybe. "No, I'm sleeping." I said like really annoyed. "Don't be like that!" He said. I opened my eyes to see someone's hand meeting my face. I stung really bad. I looked up and saw Andy, who had a sorry look on his face. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it!"Andy said while coming toward me. I got up and ran to the bathroom and locked it. "Come on, please come out, I won't hurt u again, I promise!" He kinda yelled but I was escaping, TODAY! I'm so done with this, but I need some money. I have an idea! "Hey, um sorry I over reacted, um, so what do u guys do for fun around here?" I asked. It sounded weird to say but I have an idea, it shouldn't fail. "well, um, we have video games and music ands that's about it." Andy said. I unlocked the door and Andy got a huge grin on his face. "Come on I will show you the games we have!" Andy said while grabbing my arm and pulling me downstairs.

We walked in the room where all the guys were and Ashley pulled out a Just Dance 2014 game. I nodded and he put it in the wii. "I think we should put some money on this." I said while pulling out a 20 dollar bill. they all pulled out a 20. Over 100 bucks! So after about an hour me and Ashley were tied with money so we decided that we will play one last on and who ever has the most stars, gives the other player ALL there money. It was so on! After we finished the song, all the guys were clapping. The score showed that I won! Hell yes! $200 buck, SWEET. Ashley was so upset, he was fake sobbing in the corner. I laughed my butt off. Everyone looked at me like I was insane. I ignored them and went upstairs to go to bed.

I woke up again to Ashley's arms around me. I decided to ask him why. When I turned over, he was still asleep. He's a little cute when he sleeps... wait that's sounds a little creepy but whatever. After a while he woke and I pretended to be asleep again. "Hey." Ashley said. I fluttered my eyes open to see his face. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I heard yelling, so I figured it was you and went I went to check on you, you were yelling "No" and it worries me so I stayed here with you." Ashley said looking into my eyes. I was about to get up but Ashley pulled me back down. "you're staying here with me." he said holding on to me tighter. "I have to use the bathroom, so leave me alone." I kinda yelled. He looked at me and let go. I did my business and got dressed in my batman tee and black shinny jeans. I walked out and Ashley was gone so I decided to check on Crista, I haven't seen her in a while. I walked to her room and slowly opened the door so no one could hear. I didn't see her, I walked in and shut the door behind me and heard crying. I walked over to the bathroom and Crista was sitting on the floor with duck tape over her mouth and rope burned wrists. I ran over to her and untied the rope and ripped off the duck tape and gave her a hug. "were getting out of here, today!" I said while pulling her up. I grabbed some of our clothes,money,and things we will need and put it in my batman backpack. I opened a window and it wasn't a far drop so I told Crista we could be like ninjas and jump out the window or lame people and take the door. She said the window and we walked toward the window. I threw my backpack down and jumped after it. I couldn't believe this was happing, I'm leaving, I'm... free, for once. Crista jumped down right after. Then I yelled, like really loud,"BYE, I WONT MISS YOU!" Crista and I laughed and started running for the road. We heard yelling behind us but one made me stop. Someone said,"I thought we had something, come back!" Who could have been? But wait they all kidnapped me so I started running again. We reached the road and we heard no more yelling. It felt great to be free! We started to walk because we knew it was all over. We walked to a police station and told them everything. They told us to wait here. So about after about an hour, a cop came up to us and said," You know it's bad to lie Ya know, there was no one at the house and no trace of people ever being there. No finger prints or anything." I was shocked. Know there gone And probably looking for us again. "Sorry, but I swear some man was following us." I lied. "Just don't lie ok, this is a warning do it again and you will be in trouble." We nodded and an officer drove us home. When I got to my house my brother and mother ran to me and hugged me. Me and my mother were crying. "What the hell happened?" My brother asked. "We got lost for a few days and stayed in a hotel, sorry I forgot your number." I lied again. I couldn't tell them the would scream. So they nodded and walked inside were I knew I would be safe.

~~~~HEY guys thanks for reading I haven't updated in a while. Srry about that! Big now I have time soooo I can update!😝 vote and comment, PWEASE! Love Ya! BYE!~~~~~~~~~~

I got kidnapped by my favorite band: Black Veil Brides!Where stories live. Discover now