0 : Introduction

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Third-person POV

"Oi, wake up!"

A certain albino heard someone call out to him as he slowly opened his eyes, which had yet to adjust to the lighting of the room. The first person he saw was another person and based on his uniform, he went to the same school as the albino. The person had beautiful blue eyes and dark hair. Just looking at him had the albino captivated and blushing.

"Uh, I-I'm Mafumafu! Nice to meet you!" Mafu blurted out, noticing how he had been staring at the ikemen.

"Soraru, nice to meet you too" The raven-haired mumbled back. He then started explaining the situation they were in. Including them, there were 10 students in the room they were in.

"Aniki, is the guy awake?" The albino heard a voice call out to, who he assumes, is Soraru. Contrary to the voice he heard, the albino was taken aback when he saw a pretty looking 'girl'. The raven-haired just hummed in response to the pink-haired's question. The 'girl' then walked up to the two of them and started introducing himself.

"Yo~ I'm Nqrse! Also, despite my looks, I truly am a guy~" The albino slowly sat up and introduced himself as well. They had a small conversation before noticing a short brunette walk towards them.

"Oi! You three! Apparently we all have to introduce ourselves, so hurry up to the cafeteria!" He told them in quite an annoyed tone, almost making it seem like he has forced to be here. (Which he probably was) Listening to him, all three of them followed the short brunette.

As they entered the cafeteria, they were presented with quite the scene. A purple-haired was hugging a blushing blonde who was reading a book, two brunettes were sitting at a table having tea and a red-haired along with a light-haired male just outright causing chaos. Seeing the short brunette, the red-haired perked up and ran towards the brunette to hug him.

"Uwah! Let go of me, idiot!" He scolded the red-haired, who just ignored him.

"Quit being so mean, Ura~san!" The red-haired said as he continued squeezing the life out of the shorter.

Ahem! Would you two stop that so we can start the introductions? A red-eyed brunette asked the two of them as the red-haired person finally let go of the shorter brunette. Hearing a familiar voice, the albino looked at who it was.

"Ama~chan!?" He asked the red-eyed brunette, his eyes widening at the thought of one of his friends being there. Hearing the voice of his best friend, the red-eyed brunette also called out the albino's name. Realizing that it was, in fact, it was each other's best friend, they went in for a hug.

"Uwah! Thank god you're safe!~" The albino bawled as he hugged his best friend. After a few moments, they let go and everyone started the introductions.

"My name is Sakata! I'm from class 1-b! Nice to meet all of you~" The red-haired chirped as he began his introduction.

"Urata. Also from class 1-b." The short brunette grumbled. "Come on, Ura~san! Be more cheerful~" Sakata told the short brunette. Urata just replied with a 'no way' as he just brushed Sakata's comment off. "Well, who's going next?" The short brunette asked as a purple-haired male spoke up.

"My name is Shima!~ And that over there is Senra~," He says as he points towards the blonde who was waving at the others with a smile on his face.

"Both of us are also in class 1-b. It's a pleasure to meet you~" Senra said. Oh, so they're all in the same class, huh? I wonder if there are any other people in class 1-b Mafu wondered.

"I'm Kashitarou, class 1-d. Nice to meet all of you" The green-eyed brunette said as he introduced himself.

"I'm Amatsuki!~ I'm from class 1-c!" The red-eyed brunette said in a sing-song way.

"Me next! Me next!" Nqrse chirped up, seeming really excited for the introduction. "I'm Nqrse from class 1-a~ Nice to meet ya'll!~ ww" He continued.

"Yo!~ www I'm Luz, class 1-d~" The light-haired male introduced himself. The only people now left to introduce themselves were Mafu and Soraru.

"Uwah...These people have way too much energy..." The raven-haired complained as he covered his ears. "Anyways, My name is Soraru. I'm from class 1-a" He finished.

"I'm Mafumafu, but you can call me Mafu! I'm from class 1-c! It's nice to meet you!" The albino said, now concluding everyone's introductions.

"Now that we finished the introductions, what do we currently know about our current situation?" Senra asked everyone.

"Huh? Isn't it obvious? We're all trapped in our school." Urata stated, crossing his arms. This just made everyone in the room sad as hell. Trying to cheer everyone up, Amatsuki brought up the possibility of other people also being here and suggested that they search for ways to escape.

"Did any of you find anything?" Kashitarou asked all of them as they returned to the cafeteria. He received silence before Senra broke it.

"U-um...I and Mashi found a room that was unlocked...We decided to tell all of you before we opened it" He told them as the purple-haired backed up the blonde's statement.

"Oh! Then let's go investigate it!~" The red-haired said as he clung into Urata's arm. Not even a moment after he said that, his stomach grumbled.

"I-I do suppose we haven't eaten anything~," Luz said to the red-haired, hoping to cheer him up. Nqrse suggested that they search if the cafeteria actually has any food. They found some bread along with a few veggies so, Amatsuki decided to make sandwiches along with the help of Mafu, Sakata and Kashitarou.

Time Skip~ ( After eating )

"Since we already ate, why not get a good night's sleep?" Mafu spoke up, noticing how late it was. Soraru being well, Soraru, agreed to that along with everyone.

"But, where will we sleep?" The purple-haired asked, dumbfounded.

"Can't we just sleep in the infirmary?" Senra told them since the infirmary did have a few beds. Urata then mentioned the fact that there would probably be only 4-5 beds in there.

"Then we'll just have to sleep in pairs~," The pink-haired told them in a tone that was a little too happy. And of course, some people denied. "Eeh? But, the only other option we have is sleeping on the floor since the desks in the classrooms also disappeared~" Nqrse mumbled, fiddling with his fingers.

After a few minutes of convincing, they all gave in to the pink-haired who just struck a victory pose. Kashitarou suggested that they should choose the pairs by rock-paper-scissors but some people opposed the idea.

"I call dibs on Ura~san!" Sakata immediately said, much to the short brunette's disappointment.

"W-well, I know that Mashi would probably want to pair up with Senra and I don't wanna share a bed with someone I don't know..." Urata said, crossing his arms for the second time, being the tsundere he was.

"Then I'll call dibs on Kashi~san!" The red-eyed brunette also added. After he said that, Mafu looked at Amatsuki with a face that screamed 'betrayal'.

After a bit of arguing, they all finally decided on their pairs. Soraru and Mafumafu, Urata and Sakata, Shima and Senra, Kashitarou and Amatsuki and finally, Nqrse and Luz. They decided to call it a day and that they'd investigate the door tomorrow.

Author's Note

Uwah! I'm sorry for not writing! I truly am sorry! I really wanted to write this and I hope that I'll continue writing it! I hope that ya'll liked it! Thanks for reading! Bye bye~

Word Count : 1327

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