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Y/n's POV

I had recently finished grocery shopping because Saitama my Dearest Uncle was being a Sassy egg and Genos was being a snotty stick up the ass bitch and nagged my ass out of the apartment because of how irresponsible and lazy I was despite being a woman.

I mean..... Who do you think I got this from? Definitely Saitama.

While cursing the duo in my head I stopped on my tracks when I heard malicious chuckling behind me.

" Kekekekeke, so This is Saitama's little niece huh? You two look nothing alike" A voice echoed through the empty streets as I furrowed my eyebrow in annoyance.

Great another villain after my head cause I'm related with that egg headed moron.

" Of course we look nothing alike..... I'm not bald " I retorted with a sneer as I continued to walk not paying much attention to whoever that was.

I looked ahead and the streetlights were already on.

Shit I was cursing Saitama and Genos so much that I lost track of time and that weirdo had to interrupt me on my way which caught me off guard.

I heard chuckling and in a swift move a person was crouched down in front of me and he seemed to be holding the Hilt of his Katana which was attached behind his back.

He had a smile on his face and it's the type of smile you get from a serial killer.

" Hehehehe I Admire your humor even though it is fairly obvious that this may be your last! " The person stated confidently as I nodded with a hum.

" Uh huh good luck with that and before you plunge me into my death who are you? " I asked as the future chuckled like a mad man.

" Call me Sonic the best ninja there is! My name struck fear into the hearts of many little one! And I am no other than Saitama's rival! I reckon you must be wondering why I'm here! Well I'll tell you before your demise! Saitama put shame into my name and greatly damaged my pride when I the unbeatable ninja had been defeated by his hands! So I shall take away someone important from him so he will suffer the pain I suffered! " The man in front of me boasted as I rolled my eyes in response.

" Another self proclaimed rival wearing a black suite... Weirdos these days " I snorted as I sneakily walked pass him but I was then again stopped on my track when I felt the blade of his Katana dangerously placed on my neck .

" Not so fast girlie you have perked my interest but even if you have won my favor I'm afraid the only way you're going to escape here is death! " Sonic's voice boomed through the empty streets as I felt warm liquid run down my neck.

This is Bad. He was serious and I heard from Saitama that Sonic was hellbent on defeating him. I looked around and it was indeed dark right now. All I could do now is hope that genos and Saitama have already went out to search for me and save me from this mess but I need to buy more time until.... Hopefully Genos or Saitama would show up.

" Hey " I broke the silence as he answered with a hum.

" Aren't you supposed to be a ninja.... " I spoke and waited for him to answer.

" Why Yes if you may ask I am the pride of our village and---"

" Shame on you! You're supposed to be a man with morals and beliefs while doing your obligated duty as a ninja but here you are picking on a harmless little girl who knows nothing about this! Doesn't it break your pride when you hear people talking to you in the streets saying how cowardly you are and used saitama's relative to aid your broken pride? Someone who has nothing to do with this and has no fault whatsoever!? Well I'm not a ninja but a true ninja plays fair and square and follows his morals like a true man just like a hero to bring honor to his village and to his name as a ninja! Those who do unruly things to satisfy their thirst for revenge had fallen behind and brought dishonor to all the other ninjas who still roam the earth! Are you not ashamed to be called Sonic the cowardly ninja? Sonic the dishonorable ninja? Sonic the weakling for using a harmless girl to climb up to the ladder of victory! Ugh I can't live with myself anymore knowing I would die in the hands of such a ninja... My soul feels wronged! " I criticized making my voice loud and clear while adding a hint of drama to it.

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