Chapter 16

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I sit up and my head sways. What time is it? I'm late for class.

I stand, holding onto Austin's bed frame to keep balance. His bed is empty—he must've already headed to class.

Then I'm really late.

I walk to my phone and pick it up. It's 7:35. Shit.

My phone lights up. Simon texted me last night.

Immedium group succeeded in capturing our communication base in Waterloo. All computers and devices seem to be destroyed and all lines surrounding that base are down. We are currently unable to locate our members working there before the ambush. Will message you with further updates as soon as possible.

                                                                                                     - Simon

I put my phone down and brush my fingers through my hair. I can't do this right now. I think back to last night. I barely got any sleep.

Shit. Neither did Daniel, I guess.

I need to apologize. Maybe he hasn't left yet.

I make my way to Daniel's room. The light is on, but the door is closed. I guess he's still here.

I knock three times. No response.

I knock again. Nothing.


Only silence.

Shit. should I get my knife?

No. Calm down.

I grab the doorknob. It's unlocked. Slowly, I open the door.

Daniel's room is a mess. Clothes are scattered all over the floor, the sheets are hanging off his bed frame and there are mugs everywhere.


My head jerks to the left. On Daniel's desk is his phone.

If that's here, then where is he?

I approach the phone. It's lit up with a text from "Mom".

Hey, Danny. Hope all is well.

The new recruits arrived yesterday. The board is very pleased with you and Daffy's work.

Operation Waterloo was a success. I'll give you more updates later on. 

                                                                                               - Mom

What the fuck?

Daniel's... part of Immedium Group?

No. No. That can't be right.

                                                                       But what about his mother?                                                                                                                                                                 

"Operation Waterloo?"

                                                                        Does she work for them?

How was I so oblivious?

                                                                         And what's with "Daffy"?

Is Daffodil involved with this, too?

                                                                         How did I miss the signs?

What signs? When do they even recruit?

                                                                         When are they even together?

                                          Cross-country running.

"Nathan, is everything OK?"

I whirl around. Daniel's at the door.


"Yeah," I chuckle. "Why wouldn't it be?"

Daniel looks partly frustrated, partly concerned. "Because you threw up, like, a week's-worth of food last night while crying."

"Sorry about that."

Daniel shakes his head, then says: "Why are you in my room?"

"Oh," I say, trying to sound as carefree as possible, "I was just looking for you."

"I was in the bathroom," he says, arms crossed.

I can't handle this conversation any longer. "OK," I say, making my way to the door, "I'm late. I should start getting ready."

Daniel stops me, grabbing my arm. "No way in hell are you going to school, not after last night's fiasco. I already called the reception. They understand."

Why is he so fucking concerned? "OK," I say. "Thanks. Sorry to be so much trouble."

"Now, go back to your room and rest a little bit. Drink lots of fluids."

I do as he says.

I choose to wait until lunch to investigate further. Now, it's 12:07 and I'm standing in front of the receptionist. I've been here for three minutes and she still hasn't seemed to notice my presence.

I clear my throat. No response.

I try again, louder this time. Finally, she turns around and faces me.


I place my hands on the counter. "I'd like to know when a club meets."

The receptionist sighs. "Can't you just ask your friends?"


She rolls her eyes and turns her swivel chair around, towards the bookshelves behind her. She pulls out a large binder and slams it on her desk.


"Nathaniel Dennis."

The lady sighs once more and says: "Not your name—the name of the club."

Oh. "Cross-country running."

She nods and opens the binder, running her finger down each page, flipping occasionally.

"Nope, nothing here."

What? "What do you mean?"

"Look, it skips right from Cooking Club to Cryptography. We don't offer a Cross-country Running Club."

Did they not say that they were attending Cross-country Running?


That's... not normal.

"OK, thank you."

I finally have a lead on Immedium group. I should be happy.

So why do I feel like shit?

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