Chapter 17

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I need to find out more.

Daniel's room is still a mess, and I'm trying to decide whether that'll make my search harder or easier. He won't notice if I move things around, but it'll be more difficult to put things as they originally were.

I look around. Above the bed are posters of Babe Ruth (I think) and some other baseball players. He's also got a signed ball on his desk and his bat is at the door. I didn't know he was so into baseball.

I didn't know much about him, I guess.

I start under his bed. It's pretty nasty down there: lots of socks and candy wrappers. Standard teenage boy stuff. Nothing suspicious.

Next: his drawers.

I pull out the drawer and take a look. His shorts are pretty neat. Slowly, I lift up the pile and look around. There's nothing there.

I pull out the right drawer. Unlike his shorts, his shirts are a disorganized mess.

He's been here recently.

Quickly, I take a picture of how the shirts look. Then, I empty the drawer. There's nothing there.


Where the fuck is the proof?

I slam the drawer and put my head in my hands.


What was that?

There's something in that drawer.

I pull out the drawer again. It's empty, but something doesn't feel right.

I pull out the drawer of shorts again and take a look.

Wait a minute.

I move closer. The bottom of the drawer on the right starts about an inch higher than the drawer on the right.

He placed a plank of wood there.

I try to grab ahold of it, but it's fits too tightly into the drawer. I need to wedge it out. I need something thin and sturdy to act like a lever. What can I use?

I think back to my room.

My binder?                                        No

My sunglasses?                               No

My knife?                                            Yes

I grab my room and come back. I check my watch: 1:37. I think Daniel's classes end at 3:00 today, so I've still got time. Hopefully Austin isn't back for awhile.

I pull my knife out of my pocket and slide it between the wooden plank and the sides of the drawer. With some effort, I carefully lift up the plank. I place it beside me and take a look at what's there.

At the bottom—the actual bottom—of the drawer, there are several black folders. I take them out and put them beside me.


I open the first one.

Operation Waterloo

Location: Waterloo

Members: 10 plan, 2 intrude, 30 ambush

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