Chapter 4- The Dragon

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Hope Jone's POV

Hope Mickaelson? This was the girl that was supposed to show me around! And we have the same name? This is hardly a coincidence.

"I don't mean to be rude, but you were supposed to be my tour guide and you didn't show up." I said.

"I know, I'm sorry, it's not you, it's just I don't really do well with people. I got nervous." she said.

"Is that why you don't share this dorm with anyone?" I asked. "If you'd rather be alone I can get another room."

"No please stay! You shouldn't leave because of me." she said. "And besides, once you have a roommate you can't change regardless."

This girl said she "didn't do well" with people but yet it seemed like she was begging me to stay. It was almost as if she was tired of being alone and wanted some company.

I moved all of my luggage to the twin sized bed on the other side of the room. The bed seemed really tiny, maybe because I was so used to sleeping in a full sized bed my whole life.

"So tell me about yourself." I said. "Considering your relationship with people, I'm guessing you've had a difficult life."

"Well, I'm a tribrid which is a vampire, witch, and werewolf. I'm the only person like this in the school. I never really triggered my vampire side since I'm not dead, but I do turn into a werewolf on a full moon and use my witch powers whenever I want." she said.

"And what about your family?" I asked.

When I mentioned the word family she looked at me with such fear and sadness in her eyes. I was starting to think that she didn't have a good relationship with them. Or worse, she didn't have any at all.

"I don't really want to talk about that right now." she said.

There was awkward silence between the both of us after that. Whatever history she had her family must have not ended well.

I turned around to see all of my suitcases still next to my bed and then I thought about how long it was going to take to unpack everything.

"It's going to take me forever to unpack all this." I said.

Maybe I should just use my magic? It would be a lot easier. I waved my hand and used my magic to open up all my suitcases. Then I started opening up all the drawers on the dresser and started putting away my clothes.

Surprisingly, all of the clothes went nicely into the drawer without any mess, thanks to the necklace. The first time I used my power without the necklace to unpack something it ended up destroying my whole entire room.

When I finished with my clothes I turned around to see Hope's face in shock like she never seen magic like mine before.

"How did you do that?" she asked. "It can't possibly be witch powers because you can't see their magic. I saw your magic."

"It's because I'm not a witch. My powers are different. There isn't a name to call people like me. All I know is that it runs in my family." I said.

"Then where did your powers come from. Where did you come from?" Hope asked.

"I'm from-

I was interrupted with a loud crash that came from outside our dorm room. Both of us looked at each other, confused.

"What the hell was that?!"I asked.

Me and Hope ran outside our room to reveal people screaming and running out of their rooms.

"What's going on?" I asked.

My question was answered when I looked outside one of the windows.

There was a creature with wings flying outside the school. It was big and black and roared so loudly, that the whole school could hear it. As I looked closer at it, I realized it wasn't just any creature.

It was a dragon.


"I know what it is now! It's a dragon! But what is it doing here?!" I yelled.

"Are you saying you've seen one of these before?" Hope asked.

"Yeah this is kind of normal where I'm from. My mom actually slayed a dragon once." I said.

"Seriously? Can you get any weirder?" she asked.

I decided to take that as a compliment and I ran down the stairs to find the headmaster. Maybe he would know what to do.

As I headed downstairs, I saw Alaric, Lizzie, and Josie hiding behind a couch.

"Guys, what do we do? How do we stop this thing?" Hope asked.

"Whatever we do, we can't let it inside the school no matter what." Alaric said.

He ran back to his office and when he came out he was holding a gun in one hand and wooden bullets in the other. He may be a human, but he looked like he was prepared to fight anything that came at him. He ran outside of the school ready for battle.

Lizzie, Josie, Hope, and I followed him outside to see the dragon on top of the school roof. It roared very loudly once again but this time a roar didn't just come out of its mouth, fire did as well. The five of us ran behind a wall to avoid the fire burning us alive.

"We have to do something! We can't just hide behind this wall like a bunch of chickens!" Lizzie yelled. "I'm going after it!"

"What you're going to be is a roasted chicken if you try to be the hero and go after it yourself!" Hope yelled back.

"Hope's right! We have to defeat it together!" Josie said.

Hope, Alaric, Lizzie, and Josie moved closer toward the dragon while I remained behind the wall.

I wanted to help, but even with my necklace I was afraid that I might make matters worse with my powers. I watched Alaric shoot the dragon with one of his bullets. The bullet hit the dragon  in its claw and it stopped roaring for a few seconds. After that, I watched the dragon pull the bullet out of his claw and it looked angrier than before.

It started to shoot out more fire from its mouth. Then Hope, Lizzie, and Josie held hands and started performing a spell.

"Ventus!"the three of them said in unison. The fire from the dragon disappeared but the spell didn't stop the dragon from shooting out even more fire.

I had to do something. If I didn't they would be burnt alive and it would be my fault for not trying to save them.

I finally ran out from behind the wall and told everyone to back up. My powers were still unpredictable at this point so I didn't want them around me to see what I was about to do.

I closed my eyes and used all the energy in my body to shoot the dragon with my powers. I started to scream to get even more energy out of me. Light and dark magic came shooting out of my hands and before I knew it, the dragon was on the ground, dead.

"That was...amazing! How did you do that?" Lizzie asked.

"You saved all of us! Thank you!" Josie said.

The twins pulled me into a hug and I couldn't help but smile. I have officially made my first friends here at the Salvatore School.

"You're our hero! You truly are special Hope Jones." Alaric said.

As I went back into the school the rest of the students were clapping for me and cheering my name as well. It was only my first day here and everyone already knew my name.

In the corner I saw Hope's big blue eyes staring at me.

And she did not look happy.

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