Chapter 9- My Crush

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Hope Jones POV

After the party, I couldn't stop thinking about Landon. It seemed like everywhere I went he was always there too.

For some reason whenever I saw him or thought about him I couldn't help but smile. He saved my life and I felt like I owed him. But I didn't know what to do to repay him.

For our magical potions class we had to find a person to partner up with for a lab experiment we were doing. I saw Landon in the back and decided to partner with him.

"Hey do you want to be my partner?" I asked.

"Um sure Hope." He replied. "I usually work with Raphael but he didn't show up to class today because he's sick."

"Aww, I hope he feels better." I said.

There was awkward silence between us for a good five minutes. I decided to start another conversation.

"I don't want to sound rude but, what are you? Vampire, witch, werewolf?" I asked.

"It's actually a complicated story. I'm none of those. Before you came here there was something called Malivore. I don't want to get into too much detail but I was born there and apparently I was born as a supernatural creature called a phoenix and basically I can't be killed." He said.

That was a lot to take in. I really thought Hope and I were the only rare supernatural beings here. Turns out there was a lot more I didn't know about this school than I realized.

We were so busy talking that we didn't even realize that it was time to begin our potions assignment. I checked the clock and noticed that we only had 10 minutes left until the class was over.

We wouldn't have enough time to finish and then we would fail. I've been in this school for a month now and have been doing perfectly good in all my classes and I wasn't about to get my first F.

"Ahem!"a voice said.

Landon and I looked up to see our teacher staring at us and he didn't look happy.

"I was wondering, why haven't you guys started your assignment yet?"the teacher said. "You do realize you only have 9 minutes left of class."

What was I supposed to tell him? I could myself being very uncomfortable at the  moment. "Um, you see what happened was, um..."

I didn't know what else to say after that. For some reason this teacher was intimidating. Or maybe I wasn't used to getting trouble. I was kind of a goody two shoes back in Storybrooke High School.

"Um sorry sir but we couldn't figure out how we were supposed to assemble the potions. You didn't really clarify that in the instructions." Landon said.

Wow, Landon was a very good liar. Maybe it was because I embarrassed him so much by not saying anything like an idiot. Once again, he saved me from making a complete fool of myself.

"Well I don't blame you. This is a really hard assignment." The teacher said. "I'll give you class time tomorrow to complete it."

After that, the teacher left our table and went back to his desk. A minute later the bell rang and school was over for the rest of the day.

"Thank you for saving me again." I said.

"Anytime Hope! So, I'll see you tomorrow?" Landon said.

"Yeah, bye Landon." I replied.

It was now night time and I still couldn't stop thinking about Landon. For some reason when I was around him, I felt different, a good kind of different.

And that was when I realized I had a crush on him.

The way he looked when he smiled, his big green eyes shining in the light, and I couldn't forget about the way his curly hair moved in the wind. Also, he saved me twice.

I had to talk with someone about how I felt. This was the type of thing you'd talk about with a group of friends and the only friends I had so far were Lizzie and Josie.

I decided to talk with them tonight about Landon. Since it's Friday I might even ask if they want to have a sleepover. It would be my first girls night with my new friends.

I walked to their room and knocked on their dorm and Josie opened it.

"Hey Hope what are you doing here so late at night?" Josie asked.

"I was hoping I could have a sleepover with you and Lizzie. And I also want to talk about something or in this case someone." I was looking around the room for Lizzie but she was nowhere to be found. "Where is Lizzie anyway?"

"Oh, she's went to grab a late night dinner in the kitchen. She'll be back soon. And of course you can have a sleepover with us. But for now it's just the two of us." Josie said.

I went to sit next to Josie on her bed and I started to talk.

"So do you know a guy named Landon?" I asked.

"Yeah, what about him?"Josie asked.

"I think, I mean, I know that I have a crush on him." I said.

Josie looked at me in shock and then a smile appeared on her face.

"That's amazing Hope! Tell him how you feel!" Josie said. "I'm sure he likes you back too, I mean who doesn't?"

I couldn't help but blush. "I'm not sure he likes me back. We just met."

"Do you really want to know how he feels?" Josie asked.

"Yes, desperately." I replied.

"Okay, lets play or truth or dare." Josie said.

Truth or dare? How was that going to help me tell Landon how I really feel?

"Okay dare." I replied.

"I was hoping you would say that." Josie said. "I dare you to kiss Landon."

I was not expecting that type of dare. That was a lot to ask for. How would Landon even react? I didn't know if I was ready to do this. Then again, dares were supposed scary, risky.

"Okay I'll do it." I said. "I'll be right back."

I went down to Landons dorm. It was already opened so I just walked in.

"Hey Landon." I said.

"Hey what are you doing here?" Landon asked.

"There's something I need to do. All my questions will be answered once I do this." I said.

"Do what?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

I went super close to his face and without hesitation I kissed him right on the lips. And in that moment, I didn't want to stop. He pulled away from he with this surprised look on his face.

"Landon?" a voice said.

I looked to see Hope staring at me and Landon, completely heartbroken.

That was when I realized I made a terrible mistake.

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