PROLOGUE: An Ordinary Introduction

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The morning greeted (Name) quietly and kindly as he woke up without the need of an alarm. He was lucky that the clock in his body woke him up at the right time every morning. That, combined with a pretty good sleep schedule got him pretty far in life. The (Hair Colour) male sat up and let his covers fall off him as he raised his arms over his head to stretch his back, sighing in satisfaction when he heard a pop from his joints. Once he was done stretching, he pulled the covers off him completely and got out of bed to tread to the bathroom across the hall from his bedroom. He didn't have to worry about the bathroom being occupied, he already knew his dad was at work for the day, so he had the house to himself at the moment. That moment would only last about an hour, still having to go to school that day. 

When (Name) got to the bathroom, he shut the door and locked it even though he knew he was the only one home at the moment. Looking in the mirror as he did every morning, he poked at his (skin tone) skin to look for any acne spots that may have surfaced in his sleep. His calloused fingers often bumped into the many piercings that littered his face, but this was nothing new to him. Thanks to his quirk, his dad insisted that he get some piercings so that he could have something to work with in a case of an emergency. After the few that they agreed on, the teen got addicted to putting holes in his body, not that his dad minded. He actually loved the idea of him getting a lot of piercings, but this didn't really surprise (Name). He knew that his dad was an advocate of expressing one's self and if that meant body modification, then so be it.

(Name) didn't take too much time looking at his face before he took his grey boxers off to take a quick shower, enjoying the feeling of the lukewarm water rolling down his back and through his (hair length) hair. (Name) never actually cleaned himself when taking showers in the morning, it was more so to wake himself up and rinse off any sweat his body accumulated while he slept. The (tall/short) male would rather a night shower over a morning shower any given day. Nothing the male did in the morning took to much time, his showers falling into this same pattern. Turning off the shower and grabbing a towel, he dried himself off and put his boxers back on to walk back into his room to change into his middle school's uniform. He grabbed his phone from his dresser next to his bed and grabbed his back for school that laid next to his door frame.  

When (Name) went to make himself a simple breakfast, he noticed an egg sandwich with a  toasted bagel with a note next to the plate. He smiled softly at his dad's thoughtfulness, reading the note.


"(Name), last day of middle school! do your best at the UA entrance exam tomorrow!

-DJ Dad ❤"


The note was wrote in a hurry, which added to the illegibility his dad always wrote with, but it added charm to it. He placed the note in his phone case that had other notes from his parental held inside it, noticing that his case was getting quite full and that he would have to empty it out again soon. Taking the breakfast his dad so lovingly made for him, (Name) finally walked out the door of his house, locking it behind him, and began walking to the bus stop.

As mentioned earlier, it was not only the last day of (Name's) middle school career, but the day before he would be taking UA's entrance exam. His dad insisted that he recommend him to the school, but (Name) countered him, saying that he wanted to get in fairly. Plus, how was he supposed to make a good first impression when he would be taking a different test with only a handful of other people? The train ride to his school was uneventful as it always was. Except this time he had breakfast.  (Name's) earbuds were plugged into his phone as he fired up his favourite playlist, listening to the shuffle of metal music as he leaned his head back and against the window as he shut his eyes to relax with a small smile on his face. At one of the stops, he watched the doors slide open and an older woman walk in.

MetalHead (Jiro Kyoka x Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang