ONE: The Stomach Churning Test

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A dreamless sleep came and went as the familiar sound of (Name's) alarm woke him up. He sat up with ease and stretched his back before turning his alarm off. A small smile was on his face due to how, surprisingly, well rested he felt. Maybe going to bed earlier was a good thing? The thoughts of his quality of sleep were pushed aside as he refocused himself on getting ready for the test that had been plaguing his mind for the past several months since he decided to become a hero. Or at least, work to become a hero. Nothing was set in stone yet. His joints silently groaned in protest of suddenly being used after several hours of inactivity due to sleep, but he ignored the feeling and walked to his dresser to grab an outfit for the day. Sliding open the bottom drawer, there was no question that he was going to be wearing his black ripped jeans. Moving on to the closet, he stood and looked through the shirts to see which one he felt like wearing today.

On one hand, the shirt with his favourite band was a tempting one, but he wore it so often. On the other hand, he had recently bought a Junji Ito shirt that had yet to be worn.Or maybe he would wear- okay, he has way too many t-shirts with bands or horror graphics on it. And way too many shirts with little to no colour to them. This was the burden of having an alternative fashion sense and a dad who defends individuality to the grave, (Name) had told himself silently while nodding his head. After not even a minute of thinking, he decided to grab his long sleeve fishnet shirt and a camo t-shirt that had the left sleeve ripped off. Gathering his clothing, he made his way to the shower and rinsed himself off in the warm water. As all his morning showers went, he was in and out quickly and drying himself off and getting dressed and ready to head downstairs to eat breakfast. Since his (hair colour) hair wasn't dry yet, he would bring his towel with him to keep over his head to aid in speeding up the drying process while keeping his hands free to do other things. 

With a quick trip to his room to grab his phone, he made his way to his kitchen, which he found his dad in waiting for him. His long blond hair was still down, so he must have woke up recently too. Yamada was leaning against the counter sipping on a cup of coffee when he saw (Name) walk into the room, his face lighting up as he set his mug down. His hands enthusiastically waved around before they formed finger guns that were pointed to his adoptive son. 

"OFFSPRING!" he greeted him loudly, making (Name) chuckle and mirror his finger guns.

"PARENTAL UNIT! When did you wake up?" 

"Not long before you did. I heard your alarm go off right after I got out of bed." 

"Ah, good, I didn't wake you then." 

He shot him a thumbs up, "That you didn't, my favourite listener."

"How bout you go get ready and I'll make us breakfast. How does tamagoyaki* sound?" After his statement, he started getting the pans and bowls he needed out.

"Sounds great, thanks kiddo!" He headed off back towards his room to get ready as (Name) suggested, ruffling the towel on his head as he walked past.

After watching Yamada walk upstairs, (Name) pulled his phone out of his pocket and started playing some music on the phone's speaker. After getting his metal playlist rolling, he began preparing the rice before going to make the omelette. His foot tapped in time to the tempo of each song that played and swayed his hips gently as he cooked. It only took about twenty minutes for the meal to be prepared for the two of them. Plating their breakfast took less than five minutes, but Yamada still wasn't back downstairs. This didn't bother the teen though, he knew that his dad took a long time to get ready. He shrugged, setting Yamada's plate down at his spot at the table and sitting at his own to eat and text his friends. About halfway through eating, Yamada was finally back downstairs and ready for the day, adorned in his hero costume. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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