Duel!... On the next week

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(A/N Notes: Here's the weekly chapter, and I don't know what to write here today

???: "Emika, what are you doing here?"

Emika: "Can't you see, Akio-san?" *Hugs your arm* "I'm on a date with my boyfriend"

Akio: "Boyfriend? And what about our love and engagement with each other?"

Emika: "First, we don't have anything going between us, and second I didn't agree on this engagement"

As the two discussed, the two maids behind you and Emika watched what was happening

Ichi: "Mio-san, would it be possible for you to explain to me who the test subject Akio is?"

Mio: "Ah! sure. First, his name is... Sasaki Akio, if I'm not wrong, second he has been in love with ojou-sama for quite some time, and third, he forced an arranged marriage with Emika-sama without her approval... Yeah, I think that's pretty everything you need to know"

Ichi: "I see... Thank you for the information, Mio-san"

Mio: "Don't mind it, the author needed to have a reason for him to be here"

Back to you

Akio: "You! What's your name!"

Y/N: "Oh! I'm (L/N) (Y/N). Nice to meet you, Ako-san"

Akio: "It's Akio! And who do you think you're to be dating Emika?"

Y/N: "I'm myself, and I think I can do whatever I want"

Akio: "... Listen here you little shit, I'll have you stop from linking arms with my fiancee right now"

Y/N: "But she didn't accept your marriage proposal, did she?"

Akio: "This is not the goddamn point here"

Y/N: "Au contrarie, my dude. I think this is the whole point of this talk"

Emika: "Yeah, he's right. I didn't accept that arranged marriage with you"

Mio: "And you are always trying to hit on Emika-sama everywhere she goes, almost like a stalker"

Ichi: "And considering the fact that you lack any valid arguments right now, makes this discussion unnecessary"

He was out-discussed four to one

Akio: "But I won't accept this! I challenge you a duel, tomorrow at ten o'clock!"

Y/N: "I accept your challenge! But I can't go tomorrow!"

Emika/Akio: "Then why the hell did you accepted it!?"

Y/N: "I just can't back down a challenge, it's in my blood!"

Akio: "Right... Then how about Friday, at the same time?"

Y/N: "Sorry, I also can't go on Friday"

Akio: "Then Saturday?"

Y/N: "Give me a second... No, I also can't go on Saturday... How about Sunday?"

Akio: "Sounds good... Ah! No, forget it. I already have a compromise on Sunday"

And you two started to discuss what was the best day for the duel

Emika: "Mio... Weren't they supposed to act more like bitter rivals?"

Mio: "Probably, but it's not like (Y/N)-sama is the exact definition of normal"

Emika: "Ah... Yeah, that's true"

Y/N: "So is this day good?"

Akio: "Yes, it is... Then on Sunday from the next week at 9:30, we shall meet... Wait, where can we meet?"

Y/N: "Dunno, do you know a place where we can have this duel?"

You two now started to discuss the place of the duel

Akio: "Then how about my taijutsu sensei dojo?"

Y/N: "I can go with that, how about you?"

Akio: "I can go with that too... Ahem. Then, (Y/N). We shall meet on Sunday of next week at 9:30 a.m at the dojo of my taijutsu sensei!"

Y/N: "Challenge accepted!"

Akio: "I'll expect you to appear there"

And he left the place

Mio: "Are you over, (Y/N)-sama?"

Y/N: "Yes, I am... And what is she doing?"

Mio: "Emika-sama, tried to challenge the claw machine and failed miserably all of her attempts"

Ichi: "Your lack of capacity of following instructions is interesting, Emika-sama"

Emika: "Shut up! It's not my fault! It's this damn machine who's at fault!"

Emika was really bad at every game in the arcade


Ichi was in front of the door of the magic sciences study club room, and she opened the door, and she noticed that there was someone inside

Ichi: "Creator Leonardo, what are you still doing inside the club room at this hour?"

Leonardo: "Oh! Ichi! You see, I was just finishing some things we have been working on, but I've already finished it"

Ichi: "I see..."

Leonardo: "By the way, what is that plushie that you're hugging?"

Ichi: "It's a present from (Y/N), that he gave me during his fake date with Emika-sama"

Leonardo: "Ah! So it's from him, I see... Well! Make sure to take good care of it and not lose it, okay?"

Ichi: "Command received and acknowledged... I will take good care of this plushie"

Leonardo: "Right... Anyway, bring him here someday so that we can see the face of my daughter's first friend"

Ichi: "Do you want me to bring (Y/N) here tomorrow?"

Leonardo: "No, you can bring him here when you feel like doing it. Well, I need to go back home to see the reprise of the soap opera, bye Ichi"

Ichi: "Goodbye, master Leonardo..."

And he left the club room and closed the door leaving only Ichi in there

Ichi: "... When I feel... Like bringing... (Y/N) here?..."

She didn't know how to process what Leonardo said to her, but she kept thinking about it, as she walked to what looked like one of those sci-fi movies sleeping tubes, she entered it and started her process of recharging, which was just like sleeping, as she kept hugging the plushie you gave to her

Somewhere else...

Mio: "We're home!"

Housemaid: "Welcome back, Mio-san, and Emika-sama. May I ask what happened to her?"

Mio: "She fainted after spending a lot of money on food, that she's not going to financially recover from"

She was carrying Emika with one arm and a plushie with the other arm

Housemaid: "I see that you enjoyed yourself"

Mio: "Yes, I did. Now could you take Ojou-sama to her bedroom, because I need to report to boss Isao"

Housemaid: "Okay, got it"

Mio: "Thanks"

And she left Emika to the housemaid, as she went to her employer's office while carrying the plushie under her arm

Housemaid: "... Goodgrief, she just does whatever she wants... Now how do I deal with you, ojou-sama?"

Emika: *Still in shock after seeing the damage done to her wallet*

(A/N Notes: This is all for today everyone!)

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