Chapter 1

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You were Y/N Mooney.

Against your best efforts you were known throughout Gotham as the child of the ruthless Fish Mooney. This led to a lonely life, everyone steered clear of your family's bloodline.

This didn't bother you much, you were friends with your mom's employees and partners in crime. They taught you how to survive in a city like Gotham. You learned different styles of self defense growing up, it would be a misfortune for whoever dared to cross you.

Being the descendant of one of the most lethal mob bosses of Gotham had its perks but unlike your mother, a life of crime didn't interest you. You wanted to live a low profile life, one where you were just an average citizen in everyone's eyes. You had been scouting the city for the past few weeks for a somewhat normal job, you wanted to live off of honest money. You loved Fish but you didn't support her criminal status in a corrupted city like Gotham.

Your POV:

A new couple had just arrived to the city to start a family business here. It was a small coffee shop and they gave me the honor of working a minimum wage job as a baker, cashier, and waitress. The pay wasn't good but no one who else would hire me after hearing my name, I might as well have murdered someone with the looks I got.

This was my third week working at the coffee shop and I had just closed for the night. As I was walking home a flyer caught my eye. It read:


I looked it over once more before starting my trek home, tomorrow I had another dreadful shift and I didn't want to miss any sleep tonight. I crumpled up the flyer and threw it in the nearest bin, a good citizen doesn't litter.

-The next day.-

I was busy decorating cupcakes to put on display at the coffee shop when my boss cleared his throat. I looked up to see his sweaty face.

"Y/N great news! Today we have our first big sale and it's a delivery." He smiled excitedly at me. Thats a lot of missing teeth.

"That's good for business Mr.T." I feigned interest on the subject while continuing to decorate the next cupcake in a thick layer of frosting.

"I know this may be a little too much to ask since you're still new but I would like to put you in charge of delivering our first big order Y/N." I was about to protest when he quickly added on, "Our client is Haley's Circus with the Flying Graysons, I'm sure a young person like you would love to see some new scenery in this dreary place." He placed an extra bill on the counter, "Look, I'll even give you enough money to get yourself a ticket and snacks to their next show tonight."

I had never gone to a circus before, the idea of flying people in colorful costumes seemed like fun after working all day. I checked my phone and saw it was almost time for the next show at the circus according to the flyer I saw yesterday. I contemplated my options, I didn't get paid enough to run errands but a free night on the town wasn't too bad.

"You've got yourself a deal." I smirked at the thought of a free show with snacks.

It can't get any better than this.

It was a cold night and I started doubting how good of an idea this was. My phone was dying and I was walking to a circus alone at night. I may be the daughter of a dangerous mob boss but I'm not dumb, this dark place will swallow you whole if you're not careful. Before I could turn back I started hearing cheerful music, as I looked up, I caught sight of a big striped tent. I did it. I survived. Well it's too late to go back now, plus I still have to deliver their coffee.

Jerome Valeska x Reader x Jeremiah Valeska : Psychotic Where stories live. Discover now