☾✧[Chapter 1]✧☽

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Sometimes things don't always go as planned, but that's just life. Sometimes you write too big on your 'Happy Birthday' sign and run out of space on the paper, and sometimes you accidentally add salt to your cookie dough instead of sugar. But such is life, sometimes bad things happen and there's nothing you could do about it. But sometimes you're Denki Kaminari, and sometimes you're late for school, and maybe if you hadn't slept past your alarm, you could do something about it.

With labored breathing the first year dashed down the street, his sneakers hitting the pavement with a loud smack every time he took a step. He was late! He was late and he knew he was going to get a scolding. He knew he'd get that condescending look from Jirou who was never late, Jirou who would come by his house to walk to school with him, only to get tired of waiting and go meet her girlfriend at the bus stop. Yaoyurozu was nice though. She never treated him like a crybaby.

The blonde was so busy with his thoughts he didn't notice a cat walking on the sidewalk. It was a funny looking thing, he had a piece of tape on his forehead, covering a bald spot of sorts, with hair that was black as night. His eyes were slanted down in a way that made him look tired and unhappy, his mouth dawning a permanent frown. If he had noticed, the teenager would have laughed about this. But the damned thing had gotten between his legs, causing him to crash to the ground, his things flying out of his hand and scattering across the sidewalk.

" Dammit!" He cursed, " What was that?" Denki sat up, looking around his surroundings for what he had tripped over, his hand pressed against the side of his head in an attempt to ease the pain. The dark cat let out disgruntled noise, its voice deep and unhappy. Golden eyes widened as he looked down at the cat, a snort coming from the back of his throat. " For a cat you sure are ugly. What's that on your forehead?"

The teenager reached out a hand, slowly removing the tape from the feline's forehead, taking a moment to look at the crescent shaped marking between the cat's eyes. It curved upwards, as if following the point of the grumpy cat's ears. The yellowish color being a stark contrast to the dark fur that surrounded the spot. It looked like something he'd seen before. Maybe once in a dream.

Regardless of the familiarity, Denki shook it off and stood up, gathering his things as he did, " There you go. Even if your bald spot is a little funny looking, I wouldn't want tape on my head either." He grinned to himself before looking down at his watch, his golden eyes once again going wide as he realized he was really late! He gave one last glance to the cat, bidding him goodbye before he turned and ran, the weird interaction leaving his mind almost immediately. But unbeknownst to him, the feline wasn't one to forget.

" Kaminari!" Jirou groaned, slamming her hand against the desk to wake up her sleeping classmate. School was over, and the blonde has slept through the whole afternoon lecture. Momo offered a polite smile as she says, " It's time to go. You know you really should try and stay awake."

Momo was considerably tall for her age, she was intimidating and she knew how to fight. There was no one on campus who would mess with her, much less with any of her friends. Jirou, her girlfriend, was much less intimidating and more so an absolute dork. She was into things like rock music, anime, and conspiracy theories. She definitely believed the truth was out there. The pair were inseparable, and Kaminari couldn't quite tell you how he got roped into this now trio.

" What's the point. I'll never be as good as that Iida guy." Kaminari sighed, Tenya Iida had been top of their school since middle school. He aced every test, and there were few kids who could rival him, sadly though, it made him a loner. Not that he had time for friends in between cram school and studying.

" Well, anything's better than these thirties you've been making, don't you try?" Jirou asked, picking up one of their most recent quizzes off the corner of Denki's desk. It had a big '30%' written across it in red ink. It was undeniably a failing grade. The blonde stood up, having begun to pack up his things when she had grabbed his paper. He quickly snatched it back, throwing his backpack over his shoulder with a grumble, " Shut up! Fifties aren't much better." He responded, narrowing his eyes at the girl, who was a bit shorter than him.

" Actually, this time it was an eighty! Yaomomo has been helping me!" She said, it was almost as if she was bragging. Denki scoffed, his ego feeling a bit bruised. He was starting to wish he had a smart girlfriend too. Or maybe a really hot boyfriend, that would be nice too.

" Whatever! If you guys are just going to keep bullying me I'm going to go home!" He said, gripping the failing test in his hand as he marched to the door, ignoring the calls of his friends as they bid him goodbye. He would eventually forgive them, he always did. But for now he was pissed. He stormed down the halls, his head filling with all the possible ways he could hide this failing grad from his mother, how he could lie to her and say it was somebody else's. He just needed a way to make it disappear!

He was walking in the shopping district now, passing through it on his way home, stopping occasionally to glance at comic books or clothes in store windows. He was a bit of an avid window shopper. That is, until a great idea came to his head, if he didn't take the paper home, his mom would never know! So he began to crumble up the paper into a ball, tossing it over his shoulder as he walked by a trash can.

" Ow, Hey!" Denki heard a monotone voice. He turned around to see a taller male wearing sunglasses, a dark jacket, and very noticeable lavender pants. The blonde wasn't sure if it was a fashion statement, or if the other male genuinely thought he was rocking the look, but needless to say Denki was going to get a kick out of this later.

" Thirty? Wow, this is terrible." He was drawn out of his thoughts by that same monotone voice, the male had smoothed out the paper ball and was now looking over it. Denki quickly snatched the paper back, huffing as he said, " That is none of your business!"

" When you throw things at me it becomes my business, Thunderhead." The male says, pulling off his sunglasses to give him a good glare. His eyes were dark and sunken, he had bags under them that made it look like he hadn't slept in days. As their eyes met there was something indescribable, a silent exchange of understanding, of familiarity, like they had danced together in a past life. But that was ridiculous, and it was quickly cut off by Denki, who looked away with a huff.

" I didn't throw it at you on purpose! Just get lost I don't need someone else bothering be about my grades. I get enough shit about it already!" He says, shoving the paper into his cheap leather backpack before sending another glare towards the purple haired man. The man rolled his eyes. Denki took a minute to really admire him (was it really admiration if he already hated this man?), he was tall and lean, his shoulders wide and his purple hair disheveled. He somehow managed to look like a model and a homeless man all at the same time.

" Whatever, Thunderhead. Next time try aiming for the trash can." He says cooly, brushing past him as he continued to on his walk, leaving both Denki and that warm, familiar feeling stuck in place. Golden eyes watched as the stranger disappeared into the crowd of people, as if he had never been there to begin with.

To be continued...

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