☾✧[Chapter 2]✧☽

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Kaminari Denki was an idiot. An idiot who took things too personally, and often thought too highly of himself. That's why he sat on his bed, still livid about the interaction he had had earlier that day with that man. That stupid, over-confidant, kind of hot, ignoramus of a man. And maybe he was just taking this too seriously, after all he didn't know the guy's name, and he would probably never see him again, so why even worry about it? Because he was a crybaby. That's why.

The blonde was so enraptured with his thoughts, as he often was, he didn't seem to notice the tapping at his window, he didn't notice the rattle as someone— or something tried to let itself in. In fact he remained ignorant until the window flung open, letting in a gust of cold air, knocking the shocked boy off his feet and onto the carpeted floor below him. The same cat from earlier that day stood there, his amber eyes sweeping the room before finally finding Denki, who just laid in submission on the floor.

" Finally, I found you. What are you doing on the floor?" The cat spoke, his voice deep and raspy, his tail swaying behind him with every little word spoken. He seemed eerily calm and menacing. Denkii might have been afraid, if it wasn't a cat and if he wasn't fairly certain he was hallucinating.

"Woah, a talking cat! What kind of drugs am I on?" Kaminari mumbled as he sat up, looking down at his hands if trying to decide if he was high, dreaming, or maybe a little bit of both, he looked up at that cat when he decided it was probably neither, " Hey, You're that cat from earlier! The ugly one. How'd you get here?"

The cat narrowed his eyes, as if already tired of hearing the blonde's voice, " There's not time to explain. I brought you this." He says, nudging a necklace with his paw. The necklace had a golden crescent, inside of the crescent (technically making it a circle), was a red gem, possibly a ruby. The blonde sits on his knees, picking up the locket and taking a look at it, tracing his hands over the gemstone. It all felt so familiar, like a dream or a distant memory. He had been feeling like that a lot lately. " Put it on. I'll explain everything after you transform."

" Transform? Dude, I am tripping so hard right now." Denki mumbled to himself, deciding to go ahead and slip on the necklace anyway. What could it hurt anyway? Worse case scenario he's just a drugged up loser talking to a homeless cat. " Now what, Mr. Cat-Man?"

The cat rolled his eyes, " Call me Aizawa, and say ' Moon Crystal Power, Make up.' " despite how laughable what he was saying was, the cat seemed completely serious, his tail having stopped swaying as if to demonstrate that fact.

" Do I have to? That's kind of gay."

" Just do it!" The cat snapped again. Denki didn't know what was going on with this cat, but he sure was moody. He took a deep breath before timidly reciting the words. Suddenly his senses overtook him. A bright light seemed to flash over him, numbing his mind and making him feel weightless. When he awoke he stood in the middle of his room, no longer in his comfortable pajama pants and t-shirt wither crude weed joke on it.

The first thing he noticed was the cap. It was white with blue lining, the ribbon coming off the top a deep red color. Then Denki noticed the white button up he was wearing. The collar which also draped at his back was blue, his belt being blue as well. Then there was the ascot tied neatly around his neck, which was the same red color as his hat. Next there was his shorts, which were a bit higher than they needed to be, the red trimming at the bottom being the only color on his ivory shorts. Lastly there were his badass boots, which once again were in red.

" Holy Shit!! What is this?" Denki asked, turning to look at the cat. The feline seemed to hum in approval, as it he had successfully completed a very hard feat. Though considering how hard iit was to convince Denki to transform, he probably had.

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