Azena - Mask of the Red Wolf

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18th day of the season of the sun 2448

Two bright eyes pierced the darkness of the night. Tyrath's scales reflected the moon's glow. He gave one last powerful wingstroke and landed on the balcony in a tremor.

- Tyrath! Azena exclaimed.

She approached the dragon, wobbling. Her balance had been greatly disturbed by the alcohol. To her surprise, the dragon pushed her gently to her right and roared with such ferocity that Zamir took a few steps back. He growled, his tail whipping the air. His violet eyes shone with contempt.

- Back or I'll devour you, you rascal.

He turned his attention to Azena.

- You call this thing royalty? Even human would be generous in his case.

He stared at the prince with raging eyes and roared again. This time, a powerful gust of air shook the place. Azena stared at her companion in confusion.

- What's the matter with you?

Zamir dropped his wine bottle and leaned against the castle wall, paralyzed with fear.

- What's he saying? It's that... h-his accent...

Tyrath sniffed, unimpressed by the prince. He ignored Azenah's question and probed Zamir with interest. After a few moments, he looked up and smiled viciously.

- He's under stress. I can feel his heart beating all the way in my gut.

Azena exploded in rage.

- Are you going to tell me what's going on? she bellowed. It's not funny if it's a joke.

With clenched fists, she waited for an answer as she looked at Tyrath. The drake bared its teeth.

- See for yourself! Look at the castle walls! Look at your city!

Azena obeyed. What she saw tore her soul apart. Smoke from all over the city rose to the sky. Now that she was concentrating on it, she heard the frantic cries of the people. Her eyes wide open, she saw the soldiers of her adopted father fighting against Maroth's.

- It's the White Woodruff against the Red Wolf, Tyrath explained. The peacemaker against the traitor.

- The traitor? Azena asked, still oblivious to what was happening.

- Open your eyes, Azena! Realize what's happening around you!

Zamir tried to run away, but Tyrath jumped on him and stopped him in his tracks, knocking him down. He wiggled in the hope of escaping the predator, but gave up the fight when Tyrath growled, his fangs inches from his face. He cowered, hoping for mercy from the dragon.

- Traitor! Tyrath roared. You will not touch a single hair of my rider's head.

Zamir only managed to understand half of what the drake was telling him. However, the rage in the winged creature's voice made him nervous and he felt that remaining silent was the wise decision to make.

- Stop! Azena ordered. Perhaps he didn't know about this treachery. Does he look dangerous to you?

- You're weak, Tyrath replied. You're attached to that boy when he was about to bite you in the neck.

- How could you know that? You're too hard.

Tyrath's eyes widened. At first, Azena thought she could discern rage in her companion's expression, but she soon realized it was fear that was betraying him. Suddenly, he pushed Zamir against the wall as if to abandon him for something more important and ran towards her. As he neared, he blew a gust of wind in her direction. Azena was thrown backwards and hit something. A grunt and then a sound of metal hitting against stone was heard. Someone pushed her forward. The dragon rider turned around to see a man dressed in black climbing the ledge of the balcony.

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