Azena - The Way Forward

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12th day of the season of death 2448

An hour later, it was almost noon and the squad had prepared for their departure by equipping themselves with their weapons and armour while making sure to stay as light as possible due to the oppressive heat and the need to travel quickly. Argoshin had disappeared without warning after their discussion of the cards was over and a decision was made to directly go rescue Yuzia and Umah. All this time Trish had been following the group, trying to build trust with Reaginn. Azena suspected that the fortune teller wanted to have a private reading with her, to which the tracker refused every time she mentioned it. According to Azena, it was a lost cause. She knew Reaginn and when he made a decision, it was extremely difficult to change his mind.

While the captain in question was tightening his leather belt, from which his long sword and a few daggers hung around his waist, he ignored his interlocutor who was playing with his patience.

- I could help you in your mission, Trish said. You know, I have my own fighting skills.

Reaginn sighed and turned towards Azena who had almost finished preparing. She was so nervous that she couldn't tie her elven bow and quiver to her back properly, which she normally did with her eyes closed.

- Need help? asked the captain.

- N-no, mumbled Azena.

Under additional pressure, she finally succeeded and smiled stupidly. She had to calm down, especially when the time for battle would come. She waited for Reaginn to turn to Sanah and Morcan to perform breathing exercises that promoted relaxation.

- What about you two? Reaginn asked.

- It's too bad Argoshin left so quickly... I had tons of questions, said the herbalist sadly.

Reaginn cleared his throat to get Sanah's attention, who was worried about the half-dragon.

- Yes! she said stiffly. Yes! Captain, w-we are equipped with... ...weapons, armor, linen, a canteen of water and a small snack.

- That's all right, approved the captain, taking a brief glance in Morcan's direction who was waiting for the departure signal.

He noticed that she was wearing a tiny cactus on her belt, which she had fastened so that it would stay straight in its pot. He chose to ignore it and proceeded to inspect Baldur. The boy hadn't really changed his outfit; he was always ready for battle in any situation.

- Well, good. Let's get the horses and then we can leave.

- Aren't you going to inspect me too? Trish asked, placing her hands on her hips.

The captain ignored her again and headed to the Quail and the Rascals' stable where their mounts were resting. The squad and Trish at his heels, he announced to the owner of the barn that they would be leaving at that moment. He paid the man for his services and retrieved his horse. While he was tying the saddle, he turned to Trish who was watching him with interest.

- Why do you insist on coming with us?

- I'm enjoying the adventure and I want to see a dragon, she confessed shamelessly. You know, they're so majestic.

- You're completely ridiculous, replied the tracker in his smooth voice. It's dangerous and dragons are not lambs.

- I'm aware of that.

Reaginn froze for a moment as if he was thinking of a good reply. It was obvious that he was enduring and threading on a mighty fine line.

- It's a no. I won't do it. You can't come with us.

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