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Louis rubbed his right eye with one hand, yawing into the quietness of his car. He just got off his shift at Best Buy and he was exhausted but he knew he still had four assignments waiting for him at home. This semester was killing him and it only just started. At least he had off tomorrow and could relax after coming back from class. Another yawn escapes him as he turns into his apartment building's parking lot, driving back towards his designated spot.

He presses down on his brakes abruptly when he sees another car was in his parking spot and he furrowed his brows. He flickered his eyes up to the sticker that was taped to the back windshield and saw the car belonged to the person who lived right next door to him. He sighs when he realizes it must have just been a mistake and doesn't think much more of it before pulling into the spot right next to the mystery car.


An alarm blaring woke Louis from his slumber and he jolted awake, kicking his textbook that he fell asleep with straight off the bed. It slammed into the ground but he ignored it, letting out a loud yawn as he stretched his arms above his head. A groan escapes his lips and he settles into his bed, fishing for his phone without looking. He finally grabs the device and turns off the alarm, blinking rapidly to clear his bleary eyes. He sighs when he realizes he needs to get ready for school and forces himself out of bed.

It took him thirty minutes to get ready before he was rushing out of his apartment with a piece of toast between his teeth and his hair sopping wet. He locked his door with one hand, as he shoved his water bottle into the pocket of his book-bag with the other, grunting in frustration.

He finally got it in and grabbed his slice of toast, biting into it as he sped walk down the hall towards the staircase. He was so entranced with trying to make it to his lecture on time that he didn't notice the curly haired man watching him from a few feet away with an amused smile on his face.

When Louis got to the parking lot he noticed the car was still parked in his spot but paid no mind to it, hoping it will be gone by the time he gets back from school. He finishes the last of his toast and brushes the crumbs off him before unlocking his car, climbing inside.

He turns the car on and buckles his seatbelt before reversing out, pulling off. If he doesn't get to his lecture on time, his professor will kill him. He's trying to survive the first semester of his second year, can't fuck up now.

He got to his campus in record time and sped down the large hallway, bolting up the stairs. Once he was inside the classroom, he finally allowed himself the chance to breathe and relaxed into his seat. His friend Liam chuckled when he saw the state Louis was in, patting him on the back in an attempt to comfort him. "At least you made it on time, mate." Louis breathes heavily, nodding his head slowly as he tries to calm his racing heart.

"Trying to avoid the wrath of Professor Wallace, you know how he gets.

"I don't understand how a person that small can hold so much anger."

"I don't know and I don't care as long as he throws a book at someone other than me."


A huff of angry air left Louis' lips when he saw that the car was still in his parking spot. Now, he was starting to get agitated. Yeah, he can still park in the spot next to it but it's the principle that matters. He rolled his eyes and tried to push his annoyance aside, deciding not to think about it.

He pulls forward and stops the car, putting it into park before shutting it off. He gathers his books, shoving some of them in his bag before zipping it up. He'll try to finish some assignments before taking a much needed nap, his body already feeling drained from today.

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