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Louis was walking down the hallway of his school, carrying his tumbler full of coffee in one hand and his social psychology textbook in the other. He had just finished his first class of the day and he had a forty-five minute break before his next one. He decided to go to the library and start outlining his notes from the last class in order to keep it organized. He was kinda weird like that.

Being so lost in his mind he didn't realize another person walking towards him until he ran straight into said person. His tumbler fell from his hand but out of sheer luck and quick reflexes, he managed to catch it before it fell to the ground and spilt every where. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry I wasn't-" Louis paused when he saw that it was Harry standing before him and rolled his eyes. "Oh, it's just you."

"Now, is that any way to greet your favorite person?" Harry questioned with a stupid grin as he stared down at Louis. The blue eyed man huffed and hugged his textbook to his chest, resisting the urge to smack Harry's pretty face with it. "And if I recall, you were the one who bumped into me."

"I think it was a mutual bumping. And can we talk about how smooth that catch was? I think in another life I was a cat or something. I somehow always survive these type of situations."

"I don't think having good reflexes means you use to be a cat..." Harry trailed off when he saw Louis raise his eyebrows, blue eyes filling with something he couldn't read. "But you never know." He tries to play it off, chalking it off with a laugh which caused Louis to smile, and damn did he have a beautiful one.

"I didn't know you go here." Louis changed the subject, his eyelashes fluttering as he looked up at Harry. Their height difference alone made Louis feel a knot form in his gut, nerves starting to build up. "What year are you in?"

"I'm in medical school now, going for my medical degree, trying to become a doctor."

Oh god, this man was trying to kill him. "What about you, what are you majoring in?"

"I'm working towards my masters in psychology, only in my second year though, got a good few years to go."

"Oh yeah? What do you want to do with that degree?"

"Trying to become a clinical psychologist."

"Got a knack for saving people huh?" Louis smiled wide at the comment, glad that someone else thinks that psychology is a major that can help save lives just like any other medical degree could.

"Right, yeah exactly. That's what I always tell people, mental health is so important and when it's not stable then a person can't function at their best ability."

Harry grinned, his green eyes twinkling with interest for the man standing before him. "You know what Louis, I like the way you think." Louis blushed, his cheeks turning red at the minor compliment, already feeling the butterflies start to flutter inside him. "I gotta run, I'm late for my lecture already but it was nice seeing you. Glad to see you without a scowl on your face, you should smile more, you look beautiful when you do."

And with that Harry was gone, walking down the hallway to leave Louis inside his own thoughts. His face was still flushed and he could feel his heart threatening to pound the more he thought about what Harry just said to him. He shook his head roughly and scolded himself internally. "No! You get way too attached too easily, don't do this to yourself Tomlinson." Louis tells himself, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Are you talking to yourself? That's weird." A random student asked in confusion causing Louis to flip them off as he starts to walk away. "Fuck off." He tells them, ignoring the scoff he gets back before he continues on his way to the library. He can't wait to tell Liam about what just happened.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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