Month Four

26 2 0

Entry 4
Wednesday, 07:58 p.m.

'Welcome, children of Rao. We are here, all of us, by His grace. We are here together, standing in the light, for just one reason. We are here because Supergirl saved us. Let us begin by reaffirming our faith. Though we go forth alone, our soul unites under Rao's gladsome rays. For Rao sees all, feels all. His love is eternal. May Rao protect us so that we might protect others.'

- Thomas Coville

I will explain the importance of that later but first, let me tell you a story.

Since the day I came out as Supergirl, strange things have been happening. Even stranger than the fact aliens exist.

Imagine for a moment that you were an alien. For the sake of this story, imagine if you were say... Kryptonian. Like me. Now imagine a group of people who have decided to worship you. They worship you, everything that you do, and everything that you are.

Now take that and multiply it by ten. What does that give you? If you said a cult, you are correct. And that's what I had to deal with, but it didn't just end there. Somehow they had acquired a Kryptonian BetaHedron; this device is a Kryptonian pod that contains information on Rao, the sun god of Krypton.

And it wasn't the fact they were worshipping Rao that had me freaking out. No, this was far worse.

To prove their loyalty to Rao, and apparently Supergirl, some of them would purposely put themselves and others in danger just so Supergirl would save them.

Eventually it got so twisted, their leader, Thomas Coville, devised a plan to use the BetaHedron as a bomb and blow up a stadium with a 15,000 seat audience plus other cult members. As a test...for me.

Ironically, the very same Kryptonian device also included traces of kryptonite.

This was unfortunate for Thomas because, for the first time, he actually witnessed the soul crushing truth of a Kryptonian; their mortality.

Now do you remember that quote I mentioned previously? Good. Here is where it originated:

'Though we go forth alone, our soul unites us under Rao's gladsome rays. We're never lost, never afraid, for we shrink not under the sun of righteousness. Rao binds us to those we love. He gives us strength when we have none. And in the darkest places, He guides us. For Rao sees all, feels all, His love eternal. Rao, protect us, so that we might protect others. And we shall rise, a fire in His hearth, burning and free.'
Prayer of Rao

This is the actual Prayer of Rao, which was practiced on Krypton. This practice was held on Earth as of recent. And I loved that. I appreciated that. But to what levels is taking it 'too far' for any religion of this Earth, or otherwise, to risk the lives of its followers?

I have witnessed those very levels and I did not like what I saw.

[Bitter] Sweet KaraMelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن