The starting of the dawn

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Someone's Point of View

People say we don't exist but here I am as an evidence. We had evolved in an unknown and complicated reason. We can never be sensitive to the sun as if we are normal. Yes, we eat as if a real vampire. I think this would be another face that we are more powerful. We posses magics that can't be possessed by any normal vampire. We never went out of our creepy mansions until my best cousin's mom took us out of the world. I never wanted but my grandma insisted. She said it would be great for me. I hate people and I know this won't be easy for me to carry because, I had my own incident. Even though I don't want it I should.

"Hiana??! Come down! You don't wanna be late??!" my Aunty Lokei called me. I put on  my black sweater, black pants and my bag. I put in my gun and my notes. I hope I can use it.
We drove to the University and my Aunt stopped the car in front of a very big building.
I went out of the car. "Enjoy!!" My Aunt waved goodbye and I left the car. I can see many students. They are very noisy that irritates me. We then stepped inside. I saw a door with some green lights. I think they call this Scanner. As every student went inside the light stays green. I expected to me as well.
It's my turn to enter this scanner thing. But all went wrong. The lights turned red and an alarm was sounded. I stepped inside but the man with a white uniform stopped me. He pulled my bag but I forced not to. He tried to pull it but I crumbled his arms with magic. He growled as the grip of the magic persue his hands. "Give me your bag!!" he stated. "It's not yours so don't touch it." I replied. "There is something in your bag that is not allowed at the campus.!" he shouted. Another student with some headphone in his neck stepped. "Just give it!" he said pissing me off. The man pulled my bag and succesfully opened it.
He saw my gun and chuckled. "Let's see what happen to you, Little witch." he said. He took my arms and dragged me to an office. The office is so good and plain which I liked. The went out so I was left alone. I waited.
I waited for so long. I waited for someone but no one came. I started to be bored when my Aunt Lokei entered. "What happened Hiara??" she said. I did not answer as the principal of the school came. "Hello Mrs. Hurtly. I'm Miss Guldwin the head of the University" She introduced. They shaked hands and the principal stated "It is our first time to see a transferee who bought a gun inside the school campus.". My Aunt stared at me angrily and disappointed as she heard what the principal said . "I'm very sorry for that Miss Guldwin. She is not to public appearance. I'm sorry" my aunt stated. "I will give you warning but make sure she don't get inside a campus with deadly weapons." the principal replied. " Yes I will look at her. " my aunt ended. We went out of the office and drove home.
We drive home. We never talked until we arrived home. "What is that Hiara?? Bringing your gun at a university?!!" she scolded. "I just wanted to protect myself from anyone who can hurt me" I explained. "You do not hold things like that in a public place. You never do that!!! This is not the old town anymore. You don't see people running with pitchforks and torches. They can't harm you !!!" she stated. I just look down and then she said again "You will never ever hold any of that things anymore. I will buy you a new phone and ask Magdalene teach you how to use it!!".
"I would never do that!!" I growled at her showing my fangs. "Whether you like it or not you will!" she stated. I really do hate technologies. I just matter at fighting,shooting and eating raw kangaroos at my grandma's home. I just went upstairs. I read a book instead of killing myself because of the anger my aunt gave me. In my time of reading Magdalene entered from her school excitedly . "Hey Hiara?? What on earth did you do? Why did you bring your gun??" she asked me with a little humor. "I just felt bored when I don't hold things like that." I exclaimed trying to forget what happened. Magdalene's University is very far from mine. She said this would be better to avoid the humans to be suspiscios. "Hahahhaha what do you mean? They can never hurt you. They jusy ran at you and give headaches. They never kill you silly!" she said. "Yeah!! and your mom said I will have a phone!! Yuck!!" I stated. "Then I will teach you how!" she said."Dinner's ready! come downstairs" she ended. I just nodded and we ate. After eating I went straight to bed. I can't sleep but I tried until the dark consume me.
Morning as Aunt Lokei said I will never hold those arms again. "Here is your phone. Use it to call us! Your bike is the black one at the right. The other one is Magdalene's." She explained. I just nodded yes and went out and ride my bike. As Magdalene taught me I used it to take pictures,play video and play music. I opened my bag and put on my earphones.
When I walked through the line the man last time never look straight to my eyes. As I went inside that scanner again ,the light turned green. I felt proud.
I walked and walked until I found my Science call.
I went to my science class because that is my first class. The teacher saw me and ordered me to seat beside a boy wearing a black jacket. I never knew him because he is wearing his hood. "Mr. Johanson?! can you please take your bag out of the blank seat and let Miss. Black sit.!!" the teacher stated. "Yes ma'am!!" he said and started to seat neatly. When he looked at me I recognize him. The boy who pissed me off. "Hey!! Gun girl!!" He said as he noticed me also. I just sit and listened to the teacher."Miss Black can you introduce yourself to the class??" the teacher said. I stand up and introduced myself "I'm Hiara Black." I stated and sit. "Ok" the teacher said. "Mr. Johanson? Introduce yourself to Ms. Black" the teacher insisted. "Sure!!" he concluded. "I am Shawn Johanson." he introduced himself then the others followed. What a day!!!....

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