Wondering and New friends

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After our morning session I went to the cafeteria to see my new friend. As I walk I saw him eating alone at the very edge of the room. I walked straight to him and bought my food. I sat and surprisingly he commented "Hey !! You came. I'm Jacob Overthea by the way!"
"Hi Jacob, can I call you Jay Jay?" I requested as we started to eat.
"That's a nice name. Thanks. What'S yours??" He asked me while eating his sausage and broccoli.
"Uhhmmm I'm Hiara Black." I replied.
"Nice to meet you Kiara and by the way thanks for saving me recently!" he thanked me.
"Your welcome Jay Jay!" I said.
I never welcomed or thanked anybody neigther be thanked. It felt like....Uhmmm what's the word. CONTENTED.
"And also can I call you Hia??" he asked
"Yep that's nice!" I felt proud when I found my new friend. I never been happy like this for 1,000 years. I hope this would last forever.
As we continue our food, a very short girl came rushing and tip toed. She is holding some food like soft drinks and biscuits. When she fell on the ground her drink spilled and she cried. "Hey? need help?" I stated as she stand up and picked those things. As I helped her, a bunch of girls, tall girls came rushing towards her and keep on throwing some food. She kept on covering herself. I stand up and said "Do you think you'll go to hell when you keep on doing that??"
"Hey!! girls!! did you know her. The one who bought her gun??" she said to her crew as they laugh. All the students just bowed down like nothing is happening. "Yeah?? and you wanna get shot??" I released as she crumble her brows. "Hey.." I said calmly but a bit scary. "...you know you can't win on me cause I can burn your heart and lock you eyes and you will never see again." I continued. I feel her tremble and I can feel her shivering. "Hey.. Stop making things complicated ok??" I ended and helped this girl. I let her sit down and we ate together. The whole crew just went out irritatedly. "You can't beat her. She is so beautiful and popular." This little girl said. "Before we do things and conclude things Can I ask what is your name??" I asked her making her smile. "I'm Nikah. Nikah Genoroso."
"I'm Hiara. Hiara Black. I can call you Nik Nik. Right??" I said as she painted a real smile.
"I never had friends but thanks to you!!" she said full of energy.
"Hey Hiara?? Don't you know that Shawn will have his concert tonight??" Jacob said. "Shawn?? Who Shawn.?? I asked. "Shawn Johanson!! You never know him??" he shouted. What the??.." What will he perform??" I asked. "Silly!! He is a has his band!!" he said. "Ahhh Ok! You two go, and I wont!!" I said. "Hey this is like trip to heaven silly!! He is the babe!!" Jacob tried to pull me."Hey Nik Nik??!! Help me here!!" he asked Nikah to pull me. " I saiD I won't" I said giggling. "Just come!!" He said. "Ok!! Ok!! fine!!" I stated.
After our school discussion, went straight to my room. I am still on mind if I would go or not. I decided not to go so...I'll sleep.
But 30 minutes came, my Aunt is calling me. "Hiara?? Someone's at the door. Calling for you!!!" I fixed myself and went down. I saw Jacob and Nikah waiting. "Hey you!! Why aren't you on your outfit??" Nikah demanded. "I think won't come??" I said. I saw my aunt stare at me happily. "No?!" Jacob said and they rushed inside. They pulled me upstairs as my Aunt point where is my room. Aunty really is not in my side!! They rushed inside and Nikah picked a dress. I never knew I had a dress?? It was black but I admit I like it. After I got dressed Nikah grabbed something from her bag. It is a kit. She pulled everything out and put some in my face. After her things I saw my face on the mirror. They knew that I dress black and love black so Nikah Painted my face with black. I asked her what is that and she said it is a make up. "hey I'll do your hair." Nikah said. "Uhh!!!" I grumbled. After a long long time of fixing my hair we are ready to go. I waved goodbye at my Aunty and we set to school closed gymnasium. As we enter, we are a bit early so Shawn and his crew was there. Shawn looked at me and said I am different. I just walk and went straight to the guitar. I know how to paly the guitar so I started playing it as I sing my mom's favorite lullaby. "As the wind fly to the south and west. As the lullaby rest. All of the woman stay and listened very gay. As children sleep and my mother steep. All mothers love can't be measured at all" I sang as I can feel my mom's present and I can feel Shawn,Jacob ang Nikah stare at me. "Hey?! You can sing??" Jacob asked very surprised. "Yep and I won't anymore" I suggested making him frown his eyebrows. "Gosh sing again !!" Shawn requested. "And pay me a million if I do??" I said sarcastically. I am very surprised seeing myself changed. "Hey Shawn!!" a boy called Shawn as Shawn turned his head. "Hey Kelly!! Russel!!" as he count on them with a fistbumb.  Kelly stared at me from head to toe with disgust. "Well!! Bro are the instrument ready??" Russel said and looked at me. "Hey beautiful!!" He stated as he sit beside me. "Yeah she is Hiara. She plays the guitar and sing so I think you should convince her to join us." Shawn stated pointing at me. "What on earth are you doing Russel??" Kelly cut off. I think there is something she don't want on me. "Wanna go out after the concert??" Russel asked and blinked. I stood up in front of her and slapped his face. Shawn released a big laugh and Russel covered his face. "Sometimes find someone who is not a slut and an easy to go girl" I said and went to the Comfort room beside the Covered court. Jacob and Nikah followed.

Shawn's Point of View
It's really funny that the school Heartthrob is slapped by a weird and creepy girl. That was so hilarious. "The mother earth!!" he stated as Hiara turned her face out of the court. "Hey dude?? You ok??" I said joking him. "I thought she is a slut and an easy to go lady but for pete's sake she is Hot!! She's still virgin!!!" he said as his face is in lighted. "You Hiara won't go away with this!!" He continued plotting an evil plan.  " Hey practice!!" Kelly called us. We practiced and practiced until 3:00 and people start to come. "Hey where on earth is Karl??" Kelly asked. Karl is our guitarist and he is not coming. "The show is a mess!!!" Kelly panicked. I admit me too I panicked but I remembered Hiara. She can play the guitar. I excused myself and went to find Hiara. I found her hangging with Jacob and Mikah. " Hey Hiara!!!" I called. "Oh great your here!! Now what!!??" she said rudely. "Karl did not come. You can play the guitar so please!!"I pleaded. "What would I do??" She asked making fun of me."Play the guitar silly!!" Jacob said. "I told you pay me a million if I do!!" she said saying no. "Please just this time.!!" I asked her.

Hiara's Point of View

He asked me to play really?? Why me!!!. He pleaded then I felt something that irritates me. I don't know what is it. I wan't to help him because he's show will be a mess. I think I felt pittyness. "Ok !! Ok fine!!" I said making him light his face. "Thankyou!! I will give you the script and read the notes or you can look at it while playing!!" he said. He grabbed my arms and we went to the backstage. I saw Kelly. "She?!!" Kelly smocked. "You wanna make her play??" Russel said licking his lips. "Yeah please respect!!" Shawn said. "Ok this is the script and the notes!! Study it" he said. Does he really think I will study this I just make the notes and stick it to my head. He gave me the guitar. "This is the guitar that Karl always use. Try it!" He requested. It is covered with colors. I preffer the guitar that I used recently. "I want the practice guitar. I don't want this" I said. They gave me the guitar. I srtum the guitar and play their song. "Wow she's hot?!" Russel whispered. "Very Good!! We are set!!" Shawn said as Nikah started to browse her kit amd put on my face again. I hate it that she really need to do that thing!!

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