Chapter 11

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Two months had passed since Brian brought me to the academy, Safiria and Jonathan became my best friends.
"So people, why are you here?" Safiria asked "Because we're the only ones who can bear you when you start talking nonsense" Jonathan said with a devilish grin and I laughed at his comment while Safiria just rolled her eyes.
"I mean why are you in this academy?!"
the room got silent "I prefer not talking about it" Jonathan said and I looked at him putting a lock of hair behind my ear.
"Alright, I'll start if you want to hear me out" Safiria said getting a nod in response from both of us.
"My mother was an agent, a real one she's been educated to become one since she was five.
She wanted me to be like her so she sent me to the training class in the institute for secret agents but there were complications and I got expelled."
tears started forming in her eyes but she was holding back.
"She said she was very disappointed in me and she sent me here to try becoming an assassin" she looked at her feet for a moment before she looked up "But I'm happy I came here, it's a lifetime experience for sure" she said faking a smile.
"Now that you've told us your story it would be only fair to share mine as well" I said looking directly at Jonathan while he smirked shaking his head as a "no" so I continued "My family died when our house burned in a fire and they put me in an orphanage.
I spent there ten years when my uncle Brian came saying I'm going to live with him but since he's the headmaster of this school he signed me in." I ended my story sitting up on the bed.
Safiria and I looked at Jonathan
"you aren't going to make me tell you my story that way "
" Oh com on just tell us"
"Yeah, what's so traumatic about your story that you don't want to share with us?" I asked but he got angry and started shouting "You don't know a da*n thing about my life!" he stood up when I responded "Because you won't tell me anything!"
"Hey guys calm down" Safiria intervened
"I'm so sick of this" I said and stomped out of the room slamming the door behind me.
"Good job Jonathan" she said and went after me.
I sat on the rooftop looking at the sunset which colored the buildings in red.
"Hey are you alright?" Safiria came up to me "yeah, don't worry" she patted my shoulder "he's a d*ck" she said and then we both bursted into laughter.
We spent some more time talking and then decided to come back to our room.
On our way back Safiria said "hey I'll just go to the bathroom" and turned left while I went right heading to our room.
When I opened the door I couldn't believe my eyes at what I had just seen.

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