Go Away!

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Error walked through a forest. He was in UnderFell, but not to destroy it. He was just walking.

He was trying to be pissed at his crush, Fresh, whom he did everything in his power to convince himself to hate. It was really obvious though, to literally everyone, he had fallen for Fresh hard af. It didn't help that Fresh was flirty with Error- which Error hated/loved.

So, what better place to be negative then a negative AU like Fell?

He'd go to OuterTale to calm down, but he didn't wanna calm.

"That fucking damned skeleton parasite disgusting- I just- aRgh."
He huffed, his insults were trashy and he knew it, and it angered him.

He took a deep breath as he walked deeper into the forest. He and Fresh were often together, against Errors will. In fact, Error was growing used to the slang and had even grown to tolerate Fresh lightly touching him.

"Just.. list off why you hate him."
Error was talking to himself, if anyone heard him he'd just kill them.

Error trailed off, stopping his walking. Why did he need to think so hard to find genuine reasons to hate the parasite?

Error suddenly felt like an idiot. He didn't need to waste his time in some stupid AU to list off stupid reasons to hate a stupid crush.

"He's what? Who's he? Who's what? What's up, broski?"
Fresh appeared behind Error, causing Error to scream and turn around, and then stumble back.

Error sneered aggressively. Fresh shrugged.

"I asked wassup."
Fresh said smoothly. Error clenched his fist, mentally swearing at Fresh for being so damn smooth.

"I was ON A WALK, thank you, and I was ALONE, and it was fine."
Error snapped and turned again, walking off. Fresh followed, his feet crunching the snow. For whatever reason, it triggered Error.

"GO AwAy."
Error growled, walking faster.

"Naw, bro, you know you want me around!"
Fresh teased playfully, keeping up.

"Funk you, who do you think you are?"
Error said aggressively. Why was Fresh so attractive? Why did he want Fresh to stay?

"Well I'm Fresh, but you can call me... Anytime."
Fresh jokingly offered Error a piece of paper after getting a bit ahead of Error, and when Error snatched it from Freshs' hand and looked at it, it was Freshs' number.

Error glared at Fresh though started blushing. He threw the paper with the number to the ground, and started jogging to pass by Fresh. This behavior from Fresh was getting to Error.

"C'mon, brooo!"
Fresh grinned and started jogging to keep up. Error growled in anger and flipped Fresh off, before he felt Fresh touch his hand. When he looked over, he realized Fresh had make the 👌sign around Errors middle finger.

Error froze in place and immediately yanked his hand back, glitching out as blush crashed his face. Fresh smirked and tilted his head at Error.

Error yelled, embarrassed. Fresh put a hand on his hips and smiled.

"Will you come with me~ don't you looove me?"
He gave Error a sassy smirk.

Error kept blushing a ton, and was too caught up to realize Fresh was blushing too. This was one of the flirtiest moods Error had ever seen Fresh in.

"Nothing, actually. Because your wrong, and right now, you ain't with me."
Fresh wiggled his eyebrows and Error was just about ready to faint.

Error shouted, glitching even worse. Fresh took a step towards him, and Error didn't step back.

"Why won't you relax~"
Fresh asked calmly. Error did in fact start calming, and he took a step back.

"I cANT calm, with YOU around!!"
Error said, crossing his arms.

"So.. I excite you?~"
He said that in more of a kinky voice then he should have. Error blushed at maximum.


"Just accept my loooove."
Fresh said, smiling. Error squeaked.

Error averted his gaze and his breathing quickened. Why WOULDNT he accept Freshs' love?

What if it's a trap?
What if I loose him?
What if I loose myself?
What if something goes wrong?
What if I'm dreaming, and I'll wake up..?

"Well..? Will you be my boyfriend?"
Fresh asked more calmly. Of course, he had asked that many times before, but this time felt more real. Like he actually meant it.

Error said in a super small voice, looking away. His anger subsided and panic rised up his throat as he lowkey regret his word. Fresh was shocked, wait, he actually won Error over?

"You- you mean it?"
Fresh said in a disbelieving voice. Error glanced up at him, his face still bright with blush and it felt burning hot.

Error simply nodded, embarrassed. His hands felt tingly and he thought he might die. Fresh looked, like, really shocked and he was blushing too.

"I- I-"
Fresh stuttered, and Error shuffled foreword, up to Fresh.

Once they were close, Error looked up at Fresh, still super embarrassed.

Fresh smiled and calmed down, before leaning down and kissing Error. Error had wanted it and expected it, but it was still shocking and took the breath out of him. He kissed back, closing his eyes.

How could he have ever tried to convince himself to hate Fresh?

After their kiss, Fresh picked Error up bridal style and Error wrapped his arms around Freshs' neck in surprise. He glitched a bit and yelped due to haphephobia, but soon calmed himself down.

Fresh opened a portal to the antivoid, walking them through. He sat down on Errors beanbag with Error on his lap.

"Do you wanna go public with.. us?"
Fresh asked Error calmly. Error honestly didn't care who knew, now that he gave in and had Fresh. He hadn't felt so carefree for such a long time.

"Sure, if you wanna.."
Error was hesitant to snuggle into Fresh, considering they had just become a couple and Error wasn't even sure if this was real.

But Fresh made it real by kissing Error again, he couldn't help it, he loved him. Error of course kissed back.

((Idk, I honestly didn't plan anything for this chapter and just started typing. I like this one.

The end.

Word count; 1044

Error x Fresh oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now