College tem

389 13 48

((Request OwO!! Dom Error, they in college, I don't know shit about college so spare me, u h-

Fresh walked down the hall in quite a hurry, not wanting to be late to his history class. His glasses were 'HU-RRY' as he sped walked past the other students.

Fresh was so close, his books held tightly to his chest as he rounded a corner and- whack.

He ran right into another student.

Of course, Fresh ended up falling backwards because he was shorter then whoever he had run into, and the person he ran into fell on top of him.

Fresh heard a very angry huff as the other person jumped off Fresh, and Fresh scrambled to his feet, having dropped his books.

"Sorry-! Sorry, I wasn't wa-"
Fresh was cut off as the person shoved Fresh over with big paw-type hands.

((HAHA, you probably thought it would ERROR! XD nope

"Watch it, pipsqueak."
They growled and stormed off, leaving Fresh stunned on the ground.

Error pov

Error almost laughed as he watched a cliche scene of a dude running into another from around a corner, causing them both to fall. The smaller ended up getting falled upon.

Error snickered as the slightly smaller skeleton apologized to the first, but then he was a bit stunned as the skeleton was shoved to the ground and snapped at.

Error muttered as he walked over to the brightly clothed skele, despite himself.

"Hey, you alright?"
He asked, offering his hand to the skele. The skele gave him total 90's vibes, really. Rainbow cloths, pair of shades, frickin fanny pack, the whole package.

"Yeah, thanks broseph."
The guy said, catching Error off guard. So he spoke 90's slang, too? His voice was so smooth...

"..'broseph'?.. Well, anyways, no problem."
Error said with a shrug, pulling his hand back.

"Ahah.. Well, I'm Fresh, m'dude."
Fresh said, slightly forgetting about the class he was now late for.

"..Seems fitting, I'm Error."
Error smiled a bit at Fresh, who smiled back and then froze.

"Nice to meet- Ah shiz! I'm- im late!"
Fresh said in realization. Error snorted.

"I'll see you at lunch, 90's trash."
Error said in a slightly teasing tone, waving at Fresh who stifled a giggle as he nodded and went to his class.


Ze luNCh tiMEZ

I'm a lazy shiz okay so just- yeah.


Fresh and Error had just sat down across from each other with their lunches.

"So, Fresh, was it?"
Error spoke up. Fresh looked up at him.

Fresh said with a nod, and Error smiled at him. He sort of found Fresh... Cute.

Error reached into his pocket and gave Fresh a piece of paper, to Freshs confusion. Fresh looked at the paper and realized it was Errors number.

"Oh! Ahah, I'll message you right now."
Fresh said and took out his phone, messaging Error a simple 'wiggidy wiggidy wassup homie'. Error laughed and Fresh snickered.

But then Fresh was taken aback when Error messaged back ' 'Yo', cutie~' and Fresh blushed a bit.

'I'm not cute :/' Fresh messaged, and Error snorted.

Error x Fresh oneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora