☆Boyfriend vs. Bestfriend☆

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Y/N- Hey guys welcome back to my channel, if your new here I'm (y/n) and-

Joe- I'm joe her awsome, handsome, spectacular boyfriend-

Jason- I'm Jason-

Joe- shut up jason I wasn't done with my intro

Jason- how about you shut up and let me start my intro

Y/N- how about you both shut up

Jason- who are you talking to

Y/N- your bitchass

Y/N- and this is my awesome channel, today I have joe my boyfriend and jason my bestfriend

Jason- she loves me more she told me herself

Joe- no she doesn't in fact she loved me more get your facts straight

Y/N- today were gonna see who knows me better

Joe- it's me

Jason- actually theoretically speaking-

Y/N- we have a buzzer and whoever hits it first answers the question, you get it right you get a point you dont get it right the other person answers and so on (understand?)

Y/N- First question, what's my favorite color?

Jason hits the buzzer first

Jason- y/f/c (your favorite color)

Y/N- Correct, joe your slacking

Joe- what!? He cheated!

Jason- how you stupid bitch!

Y/N- OK! Next question, what's my middle name?

Jason- whoa whoa you never told me this!

Joe- me too

Y/N- Guess

Joe- Mae

Jason- Olivia

Y/N- wrong!

Y/n hits the buzzer

Y/N- It's y/m/n (your middle name)
(A/N- if you don't have one make one up =)

Y/n smacks pies into joe and Jason's face

Both- what the hell?!

Joe- why!?

Y/N- because you got it wrong

Jason- you didn't say you were gonna smash pies into our faces

Y/N- oops

Jason- oops my ass

Joe- this video is over!

Jason- I agree

Y/N- oh come on it's just a game

Joe- hey y/n want a kisssss

Y/N- Nooooooo

Jason- yea you want a hug

Y/N- not really

Both- too bad

Y/N- anyways guys thanks for watching this video make sure to subscribe bye

Y/N- back up! I will flip shit on your ass

Jason and joe have a little meeting

Joe- you have a five second head start

Y/n takes off down the stairs

Y/N- bye bitchess

*A/N- that's right I posted I hope your proud of me


No hate

She said no hate and what?

Sincerely, Daphny

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