Jace Jackson

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Name: Jace Jackson

Nicknames: anything ur oc comes up with)

Gender: Male

Sexuality:  Bisexual

Position: Seme

Birthday: November 23rd. 2000 (or depends)

Age: 19 (or depends on rp)

Species: Human

Powers: he's able to tell when people are lying

Ethnicity: French

Languages spoken: English, French, Mandarin

Overall appearance: he mostly wears sweatpants with dark hoodies or when he's trying to look decent he'll wear a flannel shirt

Hair color: dark brown, curly

Eye color: hazel

Height: 5'9

Weight: 136 lbs

Tattoos: he has a couple on his back

Piercings: None

Scars: Some from all the skateboarding he did as a kid

Personality: he's pretty chill but when you push his buttons, he can get scary really fast and you'll wonder what tf happened to the sweet boy you were talking to a minute ago

Likes: Skateboarding, reading, being by himself (most of the time), getting into fights (and w i n n i n g), s/x

Dislikes: People who think they're better then him, arrogant people,

Addictions: None

Mental Illness: Anxiety

Physical illness: None

Flaws: he doesn't trust easily

Turn ons: Roughness and anything else besides the c r a z y stuff

Turn offs: Bodily fluids, too much pain, his partner in pain

Mother: May Jackson - 45

Father: Felix Jackson - 48

Backstory: He's lived a normal childhood up until he was 16 but before then he was a happy kid, always smiling and being kind to others and he adored his tutor that his parents paid for since he was weak in some academic areas. He was so attached to his tutor and even went with him to some sketchy place where he found out that his tutor was paid for Kai's body and the smol boi was almost r/ped but he had grabbed a gun that one of the crazy guys had and shot his tutor and the the others guys. He's been suffering PTSD ever since. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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