Ladies and Gentlemen, Smile!

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After a much-needed dance party to the new album, Chrissie and Jo decided they needed to get ready. Jo, in her usual fashion, dressed in a pink, wrap-around, sleeveless dress with her new black pumps. Her hair was up in a half beehive. She looked like a model compared to Chrissie's more simple blue dress with black flats and soft curls in her hair.

"You look so beautiful, Chrissie, really you do," Jo said as she took Chrissie's hands in hers.

"Well, thank you, but you look even better than I do. You look like a supermodel. " Chrissie replied, knowing how much her friend loved fashion.

"Good because that's the look I was trying to go for!" Jo said as she smoothed out her dress, "We better get going now, we don't want to keep the boys waiting."

"You go on, I will catch up in a second," Chrissie said as her voice drifted off. She wanted to look in the mirror one last time. She was never a person who cared too much about how she looked, but tonight was her night to look stunning, a different version of Chrissie she wanted to explore.

Both girls took the bus down to Imperial College, where the boys were playing. The campus was a lot bigger than Maria Assumpta, where Chrissie and Jo were studying. Jo could sense Chrissie was getting nervous, so she grabbed her hand and gave her a warm smile. Chrissie loved how she and Jo could exchange words and feelings without saying a word. They entered the extremely crowded theatre, and Chrissie sighed. She hated huge crowds, but here she was in the middle of a large crowd. "Do it for Jo," she thought as they found a table near the front.

"Do we need to sit this close to the stage," Chrissie moped as she sat down, "you know much I hate crowds."

"We do because I want Roger and the boys to know we're here," Jo said as she looked around for her boyfriend.

"Hey, Jo! Come here," Chrissie heard a faint voice coming from the stage entrance. It was none other than Roger Taylor.

Roger came up running to the stage to set up while two other boys followed behind him. She could tell that one of them was the bassist and the other was the guitarist.

The Guitarist

"Chrissie, come on! I want you to meet Roger!" Jo said, catching Chrissie back into the moment. She was already halfway up to the stage

"You go see him. I will catch him after the show," Chrissie told Jo.

"Fine, I will be back soon," Jo replied quickly as she reached the stage, giving Roger a big, long kiss. As Chrissie watched them, she felt a little jealous of her friend. She usually wasn't a jealous person, but seeing her friend in the arms of someone who loved her, she longed for something, anything like what Jo had.

"I'm back. Roger said they were about to start." Jo said as she sat down, out of breath.

As Chrissie was about to reply, the lights turned off, and a spotlight went to the coordinator who was about to make an announcement.

"Welcome everyone to Imperial College! Now I know we're all here for Pink Floyd, but we have a little warm-up to get us pumped up. Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to Smile!"

Jo and Chrissie clapped and even shouted a little, which was very uncharacteristic of Chrissie to do. The spotlights came back on, and the guitar opened the song.

Yesterday my life was in ruin

Now today I know what I'm doing

Gotta feeling I should be doing all right

Doing all right

Chrissie could barely breathe as she listened to the song. Something about the tune and the lyrics captured her and made her feel some emotion she never felt before. She started to close her eyes and move to the music.

Should be waiting for the sun

Looking round to find the words to say

Should be waiting for the skies to clear

There a time in all the world

Should be waiting for the sun

And anyway I've got hide away

She opened her eyes, and all she could focus on was the guitarist. She couldn't help but notice how deeply invested he was in his instrument. Like nothing else in the world existed besides him and the guitar. For a second, through the lights and the crowd, he spotted her. They made eye contact for a split second and then as if on cue they both looked away, but Chrissie looked back after a while, spotting a smile on the guitarist's face. She made him smile.

Yesterday my life was in ruin

Now today God knows what I'm doing

Anyway I should be doing all right

Doing all right

Doing all right

The song finished up, and the lights came back on. The bassist went to the mic and said, "Hello, and thanks for coming to the show. I just wanted to give you a quick introduction to us. Um, I'm Tim, and I'm the lead singer, and I also play bass. The man behind the drums is Roger." The girls in the crowd started to cheer, and Chrissie could spot a smirk on Roger's face. "And last but not least we have Brian on guitar. Thanks again for coming and I hope you all enjoy Pink Floyd!"

"Let's go, Chrissie. We need to meet the boys outside." Jo said with a semi-aggressive tone. She could tell that Jo wasn't a big fan of all the girls who liked her boyfriend.

"Alright, I'm coming, I'm coming," Chrissie replied her mind still not fully present after that performance. All she could think about was one thing.


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