Meeting For the First Time

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Jo and Chrissie quickly found the boys and their van parked outside, in the back of the theatre. It was an old van with chipping paint, and the band's logo was slowly peeling off, but the boys seemed to be proud of it.

"There she is," Roger said as he picked Jo up and kissed her, "how did we do tonight, babe?"

"Wonderful," Jo sweetly replied, "it was one of your best performances, darling!"

"Well, it was only good because I was thinking of you the whole time," Roger said, pulling Jo in for another kiss.

" Do you ever stop mashing your faces together!?" Brian blurted out obviously very annoyed. Chrissie had to agree with Brian because sometimes Jo and Roger showed to much "affection" for one another.

"Mate, you're just bitter because you don't have a sweet lady like this one here." Roger bragged as he threw his arm around Jo's shoulder and turned to face Chrissie, "so this must be the lovely Christine I've heard so much about, eh?"

"Yes, that's me, but you can call me Chrissie," she said, extending her hand out but being cut off by a hug from Roger. "It's nice to meet you too, Roger." His embrace meant a lot to her as she felt welcomed into the group.

"Hey," a shy voice approached "I'm Tim. It's great to meet you, Chrissie. All Bri and I have heard were just one half the phone calls between these two over there, but it's finally good to put a name to the face."

"Yeah, we've heard a lot about you from Roger's phone calls to Jo," the guitarist said as he stretched out his hand. "My names Brian, but since we're going by nicknames, you can call me Bri."

"It's great to meet you, Bri," Chrissie said as she shook his hand. Something about it felt warm and loving like she never wanted to let go.

" Well, I'm starving," Roger said, interrupting the moment, "I think there's a good deli somewhere near campus."

" Yeah, that sounds good. I'm starving as well" Jo agreed with her boyfriend.

"Alright, let's hit it!" Roger announced already packing him and Jo into the small interior of the van. "Brian's driving tonight."

Brian rolled his eyes, "Fine. Chrissie, do you want to ride shotgun up front with me? I could use some company." He asked, hoping she would say yes.

Chrissie was so happy she felt like she was floating but kept her cool and said, "sure, I would love that."

As they drove down the road, Brian turned on the radio, and Here Comes the Sun came on.

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter

Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here

" Here comes the sun...." Brian mumbled as he slowly turned around the corner.

" Are you a Beatles fan, Brian?" Chrissie asked reluctantly, hoping to find something in common with him.

" Oh yeah, actually I am," Brian said a little embarrassed "They're one of my biggest influences. I'm a big Lennon fan."

"I love them, as well!" Chrissie said, reading Brian's tone, "Also, I think you're terrific, you're probably as good as Clapton or Hendrix if you ask me."

Brian blushed, taken back by the comment, "thank you so much for that. You know my dad, and I built the guitar ourselves since we didn't have enough to get me an electric one."

"Woah," Chrissie said "that's cool. It makes your music more special, knowing that it's played from something so close to you."

"Are you boring my girlfriend friend there, Brian, with your guitar story?" Roger joked from the back of the van.

" No, actually," Chrissie said, standing up for Brian, who looked a little embarrassed, "I think the story is pretty cool."

"Well, I'm glad someone does." Roger chuckled.

" Hey, thanks for being there for me, Chris."

Brian said sincerely, "Roger's my best friend, but sometimes he can be such a pain in the arse."

"I get it. Jo can be the same way, but I love her, so I don't mind it." Chrissie replied.

Brian smiled and turned up the radio. Even though he hadn't known her long, he could feel as if there was something there between them: a blossoming friendship or perhaps more.

Chrissie looked out the window. The lights on the buildings as the passed by illuminated the darkness filling London with beauty and wonder. She had been so hesitant to come out tonight, but she was so so glad she did. Looking back at Brian again, who was still humming Here Comes the Sun, she realized she was going to be just fine.

Here comes the sun

Here comes the sun, and I say

It's all right

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