Chapter 14 the dark secret and their happy life

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20 0f May the day of their wedding

Natasha was dressed up in a beautiful long white wedding dress with all the ladies around her admiring her and helping her get ready.

Steve was wearing a blue suit with all the mans around trying to get him prepared shaving his beard completely he was ready for the church.

It was their special day the day of their wedding the day they would be called husband and wife and both of them were super excited and happy for their fresh start.

''Where is my little girl?''Her father entered the room smiling looking at her up and down

''Wow you have grown up so much you have grown up into a beautiful woman but you will always be my little girl''Her father smiled

''Thank you dad''She smiled at him and took his hand everyone had left for the wedding and waited for them

''If he hurts you I will kill him''Ivan said which made Natsha laugh slyly as they reached the big door

''You know he wont hurt me''she smirked he father and Steve had a good relationship

The music could be heard the bride was there Steve tighter the grip on the flowers the door opened and his beautiful bride walked in his smile was so bright so light.

She looked beautiful as always with her wide smile that lighted up her face her father was looking at him with a death glare.

They reached the stairs he took her soft palm and kissed it helping her up the stairs of thee alter.

''Hurt her and I will kill you take care of my little girl''Ivan said steve nodded he would never hurt her not even in hiss dreams

They looked at each other with adoration and love the priest finally announced them husband and wife.

''And now I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride''The priest announced

Natasha wrapped her arms around his neck he wrapped his amrs around her and leaned in a beautiful passional and loving kiss that they would remember forever.

''Ready for our new start?''Steve whispered in her ear her leaving her breathless after the kiss

''Yes cause its with you''She smiled

Steve took her brital style walking down the stairs as everyone started cheering up for the married couple they reached the car he kissed her softly and opened the door for her to get in.

Helped her with he long dress carefully not to hurt her he closed the door going to his side before her father stopped him.

''Mr Romanoff I will see you at the party''Steve smiled shaking his hand

''I trust you son take good care of her and make sure she never learns our secret''Ivan said Steve nodded and entered the car

They got off Mr Rogers and Mrs Rogers.


The secret.... the secret that they would keep away was the true identity of the kidnapper the man that ruined her life.

years ago...

Natasha was only 6 years old when everything happened Ivans brother Natasha's uncle was crazy he was locked into a clinic he was dangerous for everyone.

After he got out of the clinic the first he did was to pay a visit to his beloved brother Ivan and his family and when his eyes landed on Natasha his eyes shinned.

He payed a lot of visits at them but Ivan always tried to get him away he got worried when he looked at Natasha with desire.

Tio his name was never introduced to Natasha as her uncle her father had prevent that what he couldn't see was that his step brother took away his little girl and destroyed her life.

Tio was planning to kidnap her for a long time the pictures and the notes that was found in his house

But he got what he deserved.

Natasha was never gonna learn about she wanted to forget everything especially those 7 years now she wanted to start a fresh start with.

Have kids and live a perfectly normal loving life with the man she loved.


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