The Return of Katherine Pierce

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Chapter 1
Stefans Pov :
It was storming out badly , worse than I've seen it in a few years since Katherine went to hell . I walked into the Salvatore House to see my brother Damon and Elena sitting there on the couch  .

"It's crazy out there." I said to them taking off my coat .

"Yeah it is , a storm is coming ." Damon said .

"Are you sure it's not already here?"  Elena said .

Suddenly the window busted  opened and glass shattered everywhere and before I knew it someone had their arms wrapped around my neck and a wooden stake pointed at my heart.

"Hello Again."

Shivers were sent down my spine and it felt like nails on a chalk board . I turned around and pushed the not so stranger against the wall and putting the stake against them

"Katherine." I said

"Hello Handsome." She said smirking .

Damon ran towards me .

"What the hell are you doing here ?" He said

"Oh just came by to say hello , Damon . Is there any harm in that?" She asked rhetorically .

"Anyone else , no . But with you, yes , so what do you want hag?" He asked her.

"I want to borrow your girlfriend." She said and she broke my hold

"Elena run!" Damon said

Elena began to run but it was no use Katherine had her in a choke hold.

"Ah ah ah." She said

I did the next best thing and tackled Katherine and push her out the window and she ran while Damon and I ran to Elena's aid .

(3 hours later )
"It's no use Stefan we looked all over town , Katherines gone ." Damon said over the phone .

"She's never just gone Damon , she's back and she's after Elena and she will come back again ." I told him

"Okay , so what do we do hunt her down ?"

"No , we let her come to us but we're going to need more back up." I said

"You mean ? Are you serious ?" He said sighing

(New York City )
Rachel's pov :
I was in my favorite bar drinking whiskey when I noticed a cute boy sitting across the bar from me . I smiled at him and gestures him to come sit with me . He got up and sat next to me .

"Hey." He said .

"Hey." I said flirtatiously

"What's your name beautiful?" He asked me

"Rachel" I said

"Do you have a last name ?" He asked me

"Why don't you meet me in the alley and you'll find out ." I said

"Okay ." And he got up and walked out of the bar .

(In the alley )
I was sucking on the boys neck when suddenly my cell phone rang . I looked down and looked at the cute yet stupid boy

"Hold on one second babe ." I said and picked up the phone .

"Hello Stefan"

"Rachel I need you to come home , I need your help." He said

"How many times do I have to tell you I want nothing to do with you or Damon or stupid Mystic Falls ." I said annoyed .

"It's Katherine , she's back and I need your help ." He told me

I sighed and said ,

"I thought that bitch was dead."

"Well she's not and she's stronger , please I'm begging you to come here ." He said .

"Fine ! I'll be there soon ." I said and hung up .

I looked at the blonde hair boy and looked into his eyes ,

"Forget everything you saw tonight . We had a good time and those are just hickey marks you got some from girl that really had a good time ." I told him .

I was about to walk away when he said

"Wait , you never told me you last name ."

I smirked and wiped the blood of my mouth

"Salvatore, Rachel Salvatore." And ran off into the night

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