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Chapter 10
Rachel's pov:
I was angrily pacing back and fourth upstairs when suddenly Stefan came in .

"Hey." He said

"Not now Stefan !" I said irritated

"We need to talk." He said

"No , right now I need to go down to the cellar and beat the shit out of Katherine and rip her heart out and squeeze it in front of her then bash her head in ."

"Okay, I know you're pissed and you have every right to be but killing Katherine isn't going to help ." He said

"Why that's why I'm here ! To kill the beast herself and she's in our cellar with Finn who by the way she turned into a vampire when she gave him her blood ."


"No I can't let her get away with this ! She has taken everything from us Stefan ! I'm sick of it !  If you and Damon wanna protect Elena than we have to act now !" I said passionately

"Look, I know you wanna go ham on Katherine but Rachel we need answers in order to know how fix Finn ."

"What do you mean fix him?" I said

He sat down and said ,

"Bonnie and I think he's under some type of compulsion . We think a witch may have put him under a spell in order for Katherine to control him . It's very important that we're delicate and don't kill Katherine ."

"Okay so how do we find out if that's true ?" I asked him

"We don't know . Right now we need to just try our best to get through to Finn . Until then , we have to try and get answers from Katherine ."

"Fine , but can I at least bash her head a couple of times?" I asked

He chuckled and said ,

"If it comes to that , I'll be the first one to give you the bat ."


Hey Everyone! Just wanted to let you know I'm coming out with a new Finchel story "Golden" the first two chapters will be revealed tonight ! I hope you enjoy

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