Chapter 4 "Please Stop"

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But please be careful uwu. Because I care about you guys.

Stan's POV

I am kinda worried about Kyle , he has kinda been hanging out with Cartman a lot maybe he has.. No Kyle would never do that. Or would he? I rest my head on my desk , I need a drink. I thought to myself,.

I got up and put my old brown jacket with red top, I grab my phone off the stand and check my messages I see 12 missed calls from "Fatass" and 5 missed messages. "Whatever it is probably just him bitching because his girlfriend left him"  I chuckle softly and walk outside. I put my hands in my pockets and walk down the sidewalk "I wonder if Kenny is still awake " I say in my head. As I walk I could feel breathing down my neck, I turn around and no one is there I walk slightly faster. "W-who is there?" I whisper pulling out my pocket knife. "Shut up Kenny!" I hear someone yell. I look and see Kenny fighting with Cartman. "Calm down Eric.." I hear whisper.  "H-he is gone...." Cartman sobs and falls to the ground. "what do you mean he is gone.." I walk up to Cartman.  "K-kyle..." he says screaming. "kyle is gone ?" I say tearing up. Everyone nods.  

  kyle's POV

"Butter's I whisper softly.  "Why?!" I scream. "Let me explain, bitch" Butters says. "Eric is mine and he's supposed to love me, not you!" He screams. "So I am going to put a end to you then he is mine" He does that smile again. He unties me then I punch him in the face. I struggle to open the door then it opens I run outside slightly limping. I see car lights and the side says North Park police "H-help!" I scream . They slow down next to me. "Can you drive me to the Hells pass?" I say pleading.  "Sure " the driver says, I get into the backset and they start driving. "So what happened to you kid? You don't look so good" They say slightly worried. "I got abused and I was kidnapped." I say. "By who?" the say at the same time. "My friend Butters "  I say shivering.

"Butters!" one of the men yell. "yeah" I say. "what is your name " the other one says. "Kyle Broflovski" I say. "KYLE?!" the both yell. "l-like the missing Kyle" One of the men whisper. "This boy came to our stision and yelling about how you were missing . then h-he ran out." "did he have a red coat?" I ask. They both nod. I sigh, "Oh Cartman.." I whisper looking out the window.

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