Fearless and Reckless 5

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Fearless and Reckless 5

I dodged Four's punch and threw all of my weight into tackling him into the ground. I quickly straddled him and raised my fist up as a smile spread across my face.

"I win." I told Four as I put my fist down and caught my breath. Four has been teaching me how to fight for a few hours. It's been tough but fun in a way too.
The smile quickly fell from my face as my back met with the floor and my arms were pinned down. I winced slightly as Four's legs pressed against my sides and touched my tattoo.
"Don't let your guard down when fighting. You leave yourself open and vulnerable for an attack." Four told me and I nodded in understanding.
He let my arms go and got off of me. He held his hand out to me and I smiled, remembering how this happened before, as I grabbed his hand and let him help me up.
I wiped the sweat off of my brow and looked at my watch. I was surprised at how late it had gotten.
"Sorry to have kept you so late." I told Four as I picked up my stuff. "Don't worry about it. You feel less worried about fighting now, right?" Four asked me as he tied his shoes. I nodded with a smile on my face.
I did feel a lot better about it now. I got the techniques down now and I just need to use them correctly in a fight.

Four walked me back to the dormitory and I smiled up at him as we stood in front of the door. "Thanks for helping me out. I really appreciate it." I told him. A half smile formed on his face as he said, "No problem. Let's just keep it a secret between us though." I nodded in understanding. It would probably upset everyone if they knew I got a private lesson.
"Well goodnight, Autumn." Four said to me. I grabbed his arm when he started walking away without thinking. I started panicking as he looked back at me, so my body moved on its own. I leaned up and gave Four a kiss on the cheek then quickly opened the door to the dormitory and closed it.
I leaned against the door and quietly hit myself on the head.
Why did I do that? Why did I stop him from leaving?
I sighed, suddenly feeling exhausted and quietly went over to my bed. I discarded of my sweaty shirt and slid under a the covers and fell asleep.

I woke up to something hitting my face. I groggily opened my eyes and saw Christina standing over my bed.
"Autumn, wake up! Training starts in 45 minutes." She shouted at me as Tris stood next to her.
I looked at my watch and instantly woke up when I saw she was right. I quickly got out of bed, not really caring if anyone saw me shirtless, and grabbed a towel, a pair of underwear, and a sports bra before running towards the girls' washroom.

Standing in the warm water of the shower with half of my body avoiding it because it stung my tattoo, I let out a sigh.
I was still tired and my muscles ached from last night. I have no clue how I'm going to get through today's fight, let alone win it.

Then my mind drifted to Four and last nights events. What am I going to do when I see him? What if he avoids or ignores me because I kissed his cheek?

I quickly shook those thoughts from my head as I turned off the shower. The cold air nipped my skin as I wrung the water out of my hair.
I shouldn't think about that now. I can deal with that after the fight. Plus, whatever happens, happens. I don't regret doing it.

I put on my undergarments and wrapped the towel around my body before jogging back to the now empty dorm.
I checked my watch as I grabbed a pair of form fitting workout pants and a plain black T-shirt from my clothes. I had fifteenth minutes left to get to the training room on time.
I noticed a brand muffin sitting on my pillow and smiled to myself as I can guess who put it there.
I quickly put on my clothes and shoes and brushed the tangles out of my hair before putting it up in a ponytail. I grabbed the muffin and ate it as I ran to the training room.

I burst through the training room's door and looked at my watch and saw I made it five minutes before training started. I walked over to where Tris and Christina were standing and joined him.
"Look at who finally showed up. I'm surprised you slept in." Christina told me with a smile on her face. I grinned in response and said, "Thanks for waking me up and leaving the muffin on my bed. I guess the tattoo took longer to do than I expected it to."
"Can we see it?" Tris asked me. I noticed the three Ravens by here collar bone. It was simple but probably held a lot of meaning to her.

Fearless & Reckless (Divergent Four/Tobias Eaton Love Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن