Shocking Love //Ferard//

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Shocking I know-

A Ferard chapter after so much Ryden

But don't worry, more Ryden stuff coming soon :)

Frank~ Revenge era

Gerard~ Danger Days era


Frank is a prison guard who deals with a lot of jerks and crazy people who haven't been sent to a mental hospital due to plead of insanity failing. Frank has met his fair share of crazys and criminals but he hasn't met a criminal auite like the one he was ordered to watch over and patrol 24/7 until Frank's shift ended.

The criminal they brought is was a beautiful looking guy named Gerard Way who was better known on the streets as "Party Poison".

Gerard was the feminine flamboyant son of a major mob boss known all throughout New Jersey.

Gerard got locked up due to charges of arson, drug possession and much more violent charges since every now and then he would carry out dad's dirty work. Gerard was also a somewhat spoiled little rich kid and his father was paying off the prison to make sure Gerard has the most pleasant stay he could have there as possible so of course Gerard was bossy and rude towards other prison guards since they couldn't do anything to him.

On that topic Gerard had his own personal cell with a comfy bed along with entertainment items to occupy himself when he isn't allowed out of his cell which was most of the time.

Frank was quite annoyed by this new prisoner he had to guard but slowly but surely he saw a different side to Gerard.

Gerard was a rude sassy jerk to adult inmates but to the slightly younger inmates he was quite nice and kind to them and they would be nice and kind back to him.

Frank was in shock by Gerard being a two face but at the same time he didn't mind it. Sure enough Frank decided to start talking to Gerard and shocking Gerard was also quite nice to him. 

After awhile Frank learned despite the rude and unpleasant outside, in the inside he had a good heart along wonderful and sweet personality that he kept hidden so others wouldn't mess with him.

After a bit more talking Frank learned Gerard's sentence would be almost a few months to a year which depends how much money their parents could cough up to the prison.

Let's see how things go before Gerard gets set free.

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