First day at Hopes Peak!

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   It was around 6:30 am, Teruteru usually woke up earlier but he had worked hard at the diner last night. He didn't want to open his eyes at first. He was so comfortable where he was at but he got up anyway. He got ready, ate breakfast, and he was on his way.

     It was a hot summer morning which wasnt very good when your wearing a long sleeved shirt,jeans, and an apron but Teruteru had to live through it. It got hotter and hotter and by the time Teruteru reached the school his face was drenched in sweat. He fixed his hair with a comb and dried his face then he walked into the dininghall.

       He looked around, looking for someone to talk to. He spoke to multiple people. He spoke to just about everyone. Nobody really liked him and they found him annoying or gross. He wasn't surprised, he was never exactly popular he was bullied at his previous school and he probably would get bullied here. He didnt like it, but when he made it big then this wouldnt happen to him. his previous bullies would pretend they never did anything to him. it was all gonna change once he made it big.
     After breakfast (most people ate at home) it was pretty boring. He just listened to Chisa until they were let out for lunch. He expected everyone who already made friends to go sit somewhere and leave him alone. not wanting anything to do with him, and it almost happened until out of nowhere. "Hey!" The voice was feminine. He turned around, "hm?" it was a tan girl, she had brown hair and her clothes we're pretty revealing. "Whats your name?" The girl said.
"im Teruteru Hanamura, the ultimate chef!" She smiled once he said chef. "Nice! Im Akane Owari! im the ultimate gymnast!" Teruteru Smiled back at Akane, she began Stuffing food into her face. Teruteru seemed surprised. but didn't mind. at least someone was sitting with him so he didnt look lonely or pathetic. He tried sparking a conversation, "have you made any friends yet?"

    Akane nodded and stopped stuffing food in her face. "Yep! i'm friends with this one dude. His name is Nekomaru!" Teruteru seemed intrigued. Who was Nekomaru? Was  he someone he talked to? He stopped thinking when someone sat down next to Akane. "Oh! here he is! Teruteru this is Nekomaru."

He was tall, very tall. Teruteru looked like a toddler compared to Nekomaru. Teruteru stared at Nekomaru for a second unsure what to say but he calmed down and paused, "hello there Nekomaru..Im Teruteru Hanamura. its a pleasure to meet you" He smiled at Nekomaru, getting a better look at his face, he paused when he stared at it. His mind began racing, he felt dizzy almost. he was Pretty. NO. cute. ALSO NO. hot. STOP. Teruteru struggled to figure out what about him made him feel this way. The way he looked, was so interesting.

"Teruteru? Teruteruuu?" Akane said causing Teruteru to snap out of his thoughts, "oh! im sorry! so rude of me to stare.." he paused staring at the ground, Nekomaru smiled, "It's no problem at all!" He placed a hand on the shorter boy's head. it was huge compared to Teruteru's own hands. it was even big compared to Teruteru's own head. This only made Teruteru's feelings get worse. The whole conversation was a blur after that but, they clicked. they seemed to just connect. It was so easy to talk to him. He finally made a friend he felt like cared about him.

(Author's note: i plan for the chapters to take place a couple weeks after the prevous chapter- also give me Title ideas cuz i have NONE-)

<3 Coffee boi <3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora