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I never would have imagined that it would come to this.

Me, having to make this decision. What decision? Well, I'm contemplating to break up with Rose, who is currently over, spending time with me because she knows I'll be leaving for awhile, and she wants to spend that time with me.

It's just that, what if something were to happen between me and Laura in New York and I'm still dating her? Wouldn't that be considered cheating? What if she found out that I may still have feelings for Laura? She thinks I've moved on.

All that I'm saying is that  I don't want to hurt anyone.

But it's kind of too late for that.

"Ross?" Rose asked, sitting up from my chest. "Yeah?" I responded. "Why don't I come with you to New York? Maybe I need a vacation too," she suggested. I gulped. "Uhm, you know, I don't want to put you through the stress of that type of situation," I said, trying to talk her out of it. "Ross, there's no stress, just me sustaining a relationship," Rose said nicely.

That made me realize I couldn't break up with her, she's such a nice person and I don't think I could break her heart like that, yet.

"Look Rose, it's best you stay here, okay?" I finalized. I then stood up and walked into the kitchen. "What's got your panties in a bunch?" she asked, following me. "Look, you don't have to come with me everywhere!" I half yelled and she immediately backed up, looking at me a little more shocked.

It became awkward and then the doorbell rang. "Excuse me," I said as I went to answer it.

I turn the nob and lone behold it was Laura, and yet I really don't care, I just need someone to help me out of this awkward situation.

"Before you ask, I'm here to talk to Rydel, so I won't be interfering with you," Laura said, turning towards Rydel's room.

"No! I need your help," I said, dragging her to the kitchen, where Rose was standing there, looking on her phone. Laura looked over to me. "Oh no, no no no no, no. I'm not getting into your girlfriend drama," she said, trying to walk away. I grabbed her waist. "Just play along," I whispered, walking towards Rose.

Rose looked up and noticed Laura. "Oh, hello Laura, how are you?" Rose said, smiling, but I think it was fake. "Uhm, I'm good, and also just here to see Rydel, so, I'm goi-" "No! Uhm, she's actually not here," I lied, not wanting to be left alone with my own girlfriend.

"Whatever Ross, this isn't my problem," she said, turning away from me and walking up the stairs towards Rydel's room. I sighed and walked back into the kitchen.

"Why does she even hang out with Rydel?" Rose asked bitterly. "Because she writes songs with us, so her and Rydel are friends. Why do you hate her so much?" I asked, noticing her on edge behavior. "I hate her because she used to go out with you. I'm protective, you know that," she finalized, looking back down at her phone.

"Well, get over it, that was a long time ago and she doesn't deserve to be treated the way you treat her," I said, a little bit loudly. "What the hell? I'm your girlfriend, you should be taking my side!" she yelled back. "I don't have a girlfriend," I said bitterly. "What?" she asked, laughing a little bit to herself. "I said I don't have a girlfriend," I said, much louder. "What do you mean, I'm your girlfriend," Rose stated bluntly. I shake my head.

"We're taking a break, I don't need this right now. Can you please leave," I said and she dropped her jaw. She blinked a little to stop tears from coming out and it definetely broke my heart seeing her so upset. I care about her, I do, I just don't want to have any of this drama in my life right now.

"O-Okay," she said quietly, taking her bag and leaving the kitchen, only to hear the door close a few moments later.

Never did I imagine  that I would break up with such a great girl, because of what she thought of Laura. I try to deny the fact that I've moved on from Laura, but really, have I?

It's been three years since I've last kissed her and three years since I last held her in my arms, closely and tightly to my body, having our heartbeats connect.

If you were to tell me that I don't have enough guts to move on from one girl within three years, I would just laugh and say you were insane. Now, here I am, still contemplating whether or not I have feelings for a girl who left me three years ago.

She is literally the  definition of unique, and that's what I love about her.

Here's the thing, now I'm free. Now, I get to spend 2 months in New York with the girl that I'm still in love with. Now, I can try to win her back, despite how much she may hate me, I will come out on top.

I think back to the promise I made to her back in high school.

"Hey Laura, I'll catch you when you fall," I said. "Uhm, okay?" she replied. Little did she know I meant I'd catch her when she falls in love with me.

It still stands true to this day, and I will make it happen.

"I'm getting you back Laura, and no one's getting in my fricken way.''


merry early lynchmas!

on lynchmas (christmas) eve, I may update because you guys deserve an awesome present (:

comment or vote, whatever floats your boat (:

hope you enjoyed

much love,


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