I. My Drastic Life ..

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Out of peace, helpless people of the nation, a circle of problems and a flying future of dreams – that’s how Renesmee describes the world she moves in. It totally looks like a very bad nightmare for Renesmee Hussain to be the only survivor after the big tragedy in her life had happened. It was 21 in November 2008 when she and her family had been into an accident. They were about to go on a vacation to celebrate Renesmee’s 18th birthday on one of the most beautiful beach in the Philippines when the pilot of the plane had fell asleep, and no one notice it even his co- pilots, the plane lost its control that causes sudden change of direction from left to right that makes the people to panic. The plane totally lost its control and landed harshly into a desolate forest. After this incident, she was buried with loneliness knowing that no was left for her for that almost every night she dreams about the happenings during that day hat makes her to be ine fear

 Renesmee lives in one of her relatives in Manila. She had done lots of things that can lead her to death but his bestfriend Jonathan had never left her side during the times that she needs comforts. Jonathan was been her bestfriend for more than 3 years and nothing more with this. She was already a sophomore student in one of the well known universities in Manila for their high standard education. 

Today is the first day of school and her first walk to her new school.

*Alarm clock was ringing*

“My gosh! It’s already 6:30 I’ll gonna be late for my first subj.” Renesmee said with shock while she stretches her arms.

She went down stairs and saw her auntie cooking some breakfast for her.

“ oh! You’re already awake, I thought you’ll open your eyes 30 mins before you leave” her auntie Jane said

“auntie!” she said and directly walked to the table and got a sit

“ are you excited?” her auntie jane asked

“ There’s nothing more excited “ she murmured while she bend her heads down

“ oh dear, don’t lay yourself from the past” Jane’s advice

“ I’m trying, but I could not help on escaping from those memories” and her tears started to fall

Her auntie comforted her to stop from crying instead start a new life and let the past be buried as a memory. After she ate her breakfast, she immediately took her bath and prepared her things and herself before the time.

“ Auntie Jane! I’m leaving” Renesmee shouted

“ Okey, have a safe trip” Jane said

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