Best Friends

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Henry and Charlotte are best friends, they tell each other everything. They know each other's secrets, they know when they're telling a lie, they even have their own room together in Charlottes house. They are perfect for each other, they are each other's soulmates.

Henry's POV:

"Hey Char, we gotta get to work wake up we don't wanna be late!" I shouted from the kitchen. I slept at Charlotte's last night since she was having a tea party and insisted that I came. I heard her running down the stairs as fast as she could. She stopped right in front of me. Her hair was tied up in a bun she was wearing a white t-shirt that said 'princess' on it, she had black skinny jeans and the Converse's I bought her for her birthday last year.

" Hey come on we gotta go!" She said pulling my arm and dragging me towards the door.

"Where are your keys?" I asked

"I'm not sure, hey speaking about keys, why don't you know where your spare house keys are?"

"Oh, erm, I don't know I guess I just don't have a good memory." I was so nervous she'd find out, I did know where my keys were but I didn't tell because she'd make me go home, I only said I didn't because I wanted to stay with her. She's my best friend and I love her.

I was so deep in my thoughts, I hadn't realised that I was walking outside.
When we got to Junk N Stuff Jasper was serving a customer.

"Hey Jasper." I heard Charlotte say
"Hi" he replied back

Me and Charlotte walked to the back and into the elevator

"Wanna press the button this time?" I asked

"Um... you know I do!"

The elevator door closed and I could feel her eyes on me, we both got a shock when the elevator went down.
I looked beside me to see Char with her eyes closed, holding my hand tight.
I smiled, she was adorable.

Charlotte's POV:

Me and Henry are in the elevator when suddenly we start moving, I shut my eyes and held Henry's hand, I really like him he might not like me back but I just hope he doesn't suspect anything.

"Hey! Henry Charlotte good to see you." Ray shouted from the tubes.

"Hey Ray what you up to?"

"Oh I'm just cleaning the tubes because someone," he looked at Schwoz who was quietly sitting down, " decided to go up both of the tubes with a steaming bowl of brown soup."

"Schwoz why would you do that?" Henry asked

"I don't know, I was curious to see what would happen."

"Ok, normal people don't do those things!"


"Hey don't give Henry that attitude!" Ray told Schwoz.

End of POV

They were interrupted by a loud bang that came from the elevator, someone came down.

"It's probably Jasper again." Said Schwoz

"That's like the 50th time today." Ray said

Then all of a sudden he came out of the elevator screaming with his hands in the air.

"What now Jasper?"

"Big scary man in Junk N Stuff!"

"So I'm big and scary now huh?" A deep voice called while walking out of the elevator. He was wearing a black top with a dark green bomber jacket. He had black ripped jeans and vans. He also had a bandana tied around his head.

"Who are you?!" Charlotte said, her voice shaking.

"I'm Jacob Black, I came here for some change and that dude won't give me it!"

"Ok, well your not supposed to be down here." Henry said.

"Is this the...the..oh my gosh it is! This is the man cave! Oh can't wait to tell my friends about thi-

He was cut off by Schwoz who was wiping his memory.

"What? You think you can wipe my memory? Ha good luck."

He pulled out a weapon it was a blue tube and it was glowing but before he could do anything with it, Henry punched him in the throat.

Jaspers POV

I'm so glad Henry was there, before that mean, tall, scary guy could do anything he saved the day.

I've never realised how cute Henry is. His hair is perfect, so are his eyes, his lips and his personality. Wait..did I just call my best friend cute?!

Oh no I like Henry!

Authors Note 😁

How did I do on my first chapter let me know😀 I hope you enjoy it and sorry if it's a bit long

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