Chapter 6 - Reliving

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          Abby sat behind Gibbs' desk cuddled up in Gibbs' jacket. Tony was working at his desk making sure she didn't leave. He finally got up from his chair making his way over to her. He sat down on the floor and smiled.

"Hey Abbs." She looked up. She had been deep in thought staring at the floor, not even acknowledging his presence.

"Hi.." She said sort of uncomfortably. She drew back a little bit. Tony frowned at the sight of her being so nervous. It's normal though, she was taken from her '2nd home' and violated, and left to rot in an alley. Then she's attacked again in the safety of her protector's home. She had every right to be reacting the way she was.

Meanwhile, Ziva and Gibbs pull up on a row of storage units with bright orange doors and numbers. They walked until they found 6. Ziva picked the lock and swung the door open, gun drawn. They both looked around.

"Oh my.." Ziva mumbled at a loss for words. Gibbs stood silently, surveying the small room. It was covered in pictures of him, the team and Abby. One stood out of Abby working in her lab and a crosshair lay over her head from the window. Others were Gibbs talking with her, a couple of McGee, Ziva and Tony. Gibbs' eyes were captured on a photo of the two hugging in the window. Abby's face buried in his shoulder.

"Hey wasn't that-" Ziva asked looking at the same picture. Gibbs cut in on her.

"Last night." He took a deep breath looking around, there was a table with various weapons on it.

"He's going to kill her."

"Not on my watch." Gibbs breathed. They looked at each other for a moment. He motioned for her to start working. She nodded. They worked quietly, bagging and photographing.

"Why Abby?" Ziva asked suddenly.

"We won't know until we catch him." He hated knowing the bastard was still out there. His gut started to churn. Something wasn't adding up.

"We have everything we need for now?"

"Yeah." Gibbs nodded to the door and they went to the car. He made sure to drive a little faster than usual.

"No, McGee.. I'm not hungry!" She said with a slight amount of force in her voice. She wanted them desperately to leave her alone.

"Stop pushing her." Tony smacked the back of his head. Abby lay her head back and slowly closed her eyes. She faded off into her dreams. Minutes later Gibbs and Ziva walked in.

"Where is she?" Gibbs muttered gruffly.

"Behind your desk." He set his coffee down and looked at the sleeping girl who was starting to whimper softly. He bent down and shook her. Her eyes jutted open, her face was slightly sweaty.

"Hey..hey.. It's alright." She pulled away from him and looked around trying to make sense of everything around her. Finally Abby looked up into Gibbs' gaze, he studied her for the brief moment she had her eyes on him. Quickly she looked back down on the brink of tears. He carefully placed his hand on hers, she winced slightly but grabbed it tightly. He sighed at what knew he had to do.

"Abbs.. come with me." He whispered and helped her to her feet. Together they walked upstairs into a conference room. He closed the door and gestured for her to sit. She sat down as he sat next to her. For a few moments Gibbs stared at her. Abby on the other hand was focused on the floor.

"Abbs." Her head snapped up to face him.

"I know it's hard.. But can you tell me what happened?" She looked at him for a moment. She looked at the table as her brain replayed through the event.

She screamed kicking as the man had a strong hold on her neck. Suddenly his other hand fell over her face. He whispered into her ear.

"Stop struggling.. It's in your best interest." The man pulled Abby into an alley and held her against the wall, eyes wandering.

"S-stop..!" She yelped. He grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head, kissing her. She shook her head trying to pull away. He drew back and ran one of his hands down her side.

"No!" Abby struggled harder trying to stop him. Eventually he had gotten her shirt over her head. The man tackled her to the ground and held her down with an evil grin.

"You're really beautiful.." The man caressed her face.

"Please... n-no.." She said, starting to wiggle under him. The man sighed and pulled out a syringe .

"I'm sorry I have to do this to you, it's for your own good." He inserted the needle into her neck with a whimper. She stopped moving as her body seemed to shut down. He smiled at her helpless look. His hand traced the inside of her thigh.

"Stop.. please.. Please.." She said, starting to break out into sobs. The man started pulling off his belt and his pants.

"Abby?" Gibbs said, interrupting her thoughts. She looked at him and tears started to form a river as they trickled down her face. Her breathing picked up, as she backed away from Gibbs.

"Abbs!" He said standing to stop her from possibly hurting herself. Abby backed to the corner and slid down slowly crying. Gibbs bent down in front of her. He hated watching her be in so much distress. He looked at her curled up figure and carefully scooped her into his arms. At first she tried to get out of it but eventually she just gripped his shirt sobbing softly. Tremors shot through her muscles as he held her. For a long while they sat on the floor like that until she looked up at him.

"I can tell you.." She said barely audible. Gibbs nodded and they sat back down in the chairs. Abby described what happened as she squeezed his hand. Tears dripped onto the table and into a tissue. He wrote notes down as she talked. Once she finished she looked up at him, eyes red and puffy.

"That was really good Abbs.." They stood and hugged again. Gibbs rubbed her arm and they walked downstairs. The goth kept her head down not wanting everyone to see her so upset.

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