Chapter 7 - Bang

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          The man walked past the security guard smiling. They nodded to each other as he made his way upstairs. He sat down at 'his' desk and watched the team. He smiled at the raven haired girl who was behind her bosses desk.

Gibbs looked through the photographs, the ones of Abby, himself, and the rest of the team. He glanced at Abby who was suddenly looking at the pictures too. He went to turn them over but she grabbed his hand. She looked at a few then looked away. She stood having the sudden feeling to puke. She hurried off to the bathroom without a word. Gibbs' gut started churning again. Something is going to happen. It burned in his stomach. He looked at his computer screen, there was an email.

She's mine.

"McGee, trace my last email now!" He demanded looking around.

"It's coming from inside the building-" Suddenly they heard the cock of a gun and a yelp. They all pulled their weapons and were met with a gun to Abby's head. His arm was around her neck.

"Well, isn't this a nice surprise?" Gibbs recognized that voice anywhere.

"Lt. Krogg. Put the gun down." He kept a firm grip on the gun. At this point everyone was looking at them.

"No, you all put your guns down or she dies." Abby was wide eyed and shaking. Reluctantly, Gibbs nodded and they all put their weapons on the floor.

"Kick them over here." They each did as they were told. Gibbs was looking for a plan to get her out.

"It's over Agent Gibbs." He snarled. Do something! His gut screamed at him.

"You're not going to kill her." Gibbs stated confidently. He's going to shoot her. And that's just what he did. Krogg wavered from her head and pointed to her chest. At that moment two shots rang out along with a number of screams and gasps. They watched as both bodies collapsed to the floor. Momentarily they looked to see where the second shot was fired from. Director Vance stood on the balcony, gun in hand. Gibbs ran over and got down on the floor, pushing the Lt.'s body off Abby. Her chest pooled with blood as he pulled his jacket that was on the floor pushing it onto her chest.

"Abbs, can you hear me?" She slowly looked over at him.

"Gibbs.." She coughed.

"Hang in there.." People started crowding around, his team was at his side.

"The ambulance is 5 minutes away." McGee reassured. Gibbs watched Abby fight unconsciousness.

"They're coming Abby, stay with us." He wasn't about to let her die. Behind him he heard Vance ordering people to back up. He pushed harder on the wound, looking into Abby's face which was covered in her assailant's blood. They all kept talking to her, keeping her awake until the medics came running in. She was loaded onto a stretcher and hauled off, Team in tow.

At the hospital Gibbs paced around the room. They had been in the waiting room for hours and everyone was growing restless. Outside lightning crashed along the sky like fireworks with rolling thunder following. McGee sat with his head in his hands, most likely wondering why he didn't keep better watch over her. Ziva was staring out the window with glazed eyes thinking of the ways she could have hurt the man for hurting Abby. Tony was sitting still, his eyes aimed on the floor, worried about his best friend. Ducky was talking to nurses in an attempt to get some kind of update. Jimmy was sitting with his head back against the wall thinking of the possibilities of what could go wrong during Abby's surgery. Vance was standing against the wall keeping watch, wondering why he let something happen on his turf. Finally, Gibbs was wishing it was him instead of her.

They looked up as a doctor walked out.

"Family of a Miss Abigail Sciuto?" Everyone walked over awaiting the news on their friend. Everyone listened with intent.

"Ms. Sciuto sustained pneumothorax in her left lung along with a cracked rib." She paused at the confused faces.

"Her lung collapsed when the bullet hit. We were able to stop the bleeding in time, we also used a needle to get rid of all the extra air. As of now we have her on a ventilator, she is still out from surgery. If she doesn't wake within the next day or so, it may be hard to bring her back. We ask that only there be one visitor at a time." They all sat and let the information sink in. Gibbs sighed and looked at them.


"Yes boss."

"Go see Abby." Ducky looked at the silver haired man, usually he would take charge and go before them, after all, Abby is his 'littlest' one may say. He simply sat back down drinking terrible hospital coffee.

In Abby's hospital room, McGee held her hand and stared at her chest rising and falling.

"Abby, you really didn't deserve this." He whispered.

"But everything will be okay.. You are strong.. And you will pull through..but you have to wake up.. " He felt tears spring his eyes. Knowing there were other people who were waiting, he kissed her hand and left.

After that was Tony, he sat silently staring at her. Then Ziva told Abby about how they got him. Ducky told her a story or two of his youth. Vance sighed. Jimmy let a tear fall onto her hand. Finally only Gibbs was left.

"Abbs.." He whispered. Gibbs shook his head in dismay. He stood rubbing the side of her face.

Gibbs picked Abby up and held her close. Her body was shaking and tears streamed down her pale face.

"I'm sorry.." He whispered into her ear. Gibbs rarely apologized, but this was different, this was Abby, his littlest girl in his NCIS 'Family', she called it. Abby was never supposed to fear for her life, she shouldn't have to be worried about being attacked, no one should. At that moment he thought of everything he let happen. Abby was shot at by Ari. Her assistant held her at knife-point . Her crazy ex stalked her planned her suicide. A car almost killed her. A crazy fan almost shot her, and countless other things put her life in danger. Worst of all, he left her, when she needed him most, when needed him to tell her he was okay. That was one of his biggest regrets.

All that went away when she looked at him after pleading that she didn't need to go to a hospital. Her look gave him reassurance. Her eyes told him "It's okay, don't blame yourself."

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