↭ Prologue ↭

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Just so you know their ages as of this part in this story, they are:

Izuku Midoriya: 15 years old

Eri Midoriya: 6 years old

Kota Midoriya: 5 years old

Third Person P.O.V:

"Come here you brats!" a black haired man screamed.

His hands were bloody, eyes wild and insane. He threw his head back, letting out a laugh. Behind him was the limp form of a woman, blood oozing out of multiple stab wounds, green hair now red, eyes blank, her body motionless.

"If you come out right now, I promise I won't hurt you...much!" the man yelled, swinging a knife around, which dripped with crimson blood. "Come to Dad!"

A stifled cry escaped from a closet on the right of the dark haired male, which was shushed. He slowly walked over, the metallic smell of blood filled the room. He ripped the closet door open. "Why were you hiding from daddy, huh?" the male asked, grinning.

Three children huddled in the corner of the closet, the tallest protecting the two smaller ones.

"What, you think you can protect them, you freak?!" the man yelled, swinging the blade towards the green haired teen, who flinched back, covering the younger  two behind him. The man missed, stumbling. The smell of alcohol wafted into the closet.

The teen knew he had to get his siblings out of there, and fast. As the man swiped again, he charged at him, tackling him to the ground.

"Get out!" the green haired boy yelled to the trembling forms that were still in the closet, who scrambled up at his command. They ran out the front door, and onto the street.

The teen had pinned the man onto the ground, allowing the kids to run past, and out the door. The wild-eyed man threw the teen against a wall, staggering up. He grabbed an empty bottle that was lying on the ground and hurtled it at the boy, who ducked, barely avoiding the glass projectile. The man made a grab for him, and he clambered away. The man grabbed the back of the greenette's shirt, dragging him backwards, towards the knife in his hands. The teen used his arm to attempt to hit the knife out of his hand, and ended up with a large, bloody scratch across his forearm. He kicked the man's knee, causing him to fall forward and let go of the boy. He dropped the knife, and the teen made a grab for the weapon, but a punch to the stomach stopped his attempts.

Dark spots started to cloud the short green haired boy's vision. He thought he heard a door being kicked open, and shouts, but his ears were ringing, and he wasn't sure if it was his imagination or not. He felt his body being lifted up, and something sharp against his throat. He blinked, trying to clear his vision. He could hear someone yelling, and the ringing in his ears stopped. A part of him wished it didn't.

"Any closer and the boy dies!"

Suddenly aware of the knife at his throat, he began to panic, attempting to squirm free of the tall male's grasp. He looked in front of him, and saw a tired-looking man with a scarf around his neck, black hair and a grim expression.

"Let the boy go," the tired man growled, taking a step closer. The teen knew who the hero was, having been obsessed with heroes most of his life. It was Eraserhead. The dark haired man didn't let the boy go, backing up even further, knife still pressed against his throat. Eraserhead put a finger to his earpiece.

"I'm gonna need backup, we have a hostage situation," he said. The green haired teen's attention swiveled to the sound of a voice near the door.

"Izuku!" a little girl yelled, red eyes wide in fear, tears staining her cheeks. Her light blue hair cascaded down her back, hands tinged with dried blood. A younger boy stood beside her, fists clenched in fear. He wore a red hat with little horns popping out of it, black hair sticking out underneath. He held the little girl back as she tried to get closer. The teen looked relieved that they were safe.

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