Introducing the Characters

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"April? Loki?" I say.

"Who are you?" They both say.

"Woah. It was true!" I can't believe it. The story and curse was actually true.

"What was?" April says.

But ignoring her, I continue saying my thoughts out loud.

"But that means..."

As if on cue, the Magic Animal Club, Tarah, Claire and a clone of me run in.

"Can we slow down?!" Lee puffs.

"Why are we even here?" Claire says, between breaths.

"For her." Naomi says, pointing at me.

"Loki!" A piercing scream comes from April as Loki stops breathing.

"He's dead, April. I'm sorry, I wrote it." I say apologetically.

And Stampy comes in yelling angrily.

"Sqaishey's pregnant and she has tuberculosis!"

"Ducky Love..." I sigh.

A girl walks in, but she is in dressed in dirty and ripped clothes.

"Where are we now?" the girl that just walked in puffs.

"Running..." I say.

"Hello everyone and- Oh. Where did everyone go?" another me says.

Soon all of my characters are in the small hospital ward.

And they are talking so loud it's giving me a headache.

"Can you guys stop talking?" I say politely, but no one pays attention.

"Please?" I say a little louder. Again, no one cares.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" I yell angrily.

And everyone does. They stare at me, waiting to hear what I've got to say.

"Um, well you guys are all characters in my books and..."

"Books?" one of the Claire's ask.

"Yes! Books. Read this." I say, passing my iPod to the group. They read the comment that was posted on my books.

They read in silence, and as soon as everyone is finished the stare at me.

"But none of the characters are bad except for three..." Naomi says.

And as soon as Naomi says that, John, Sqaishey's dad and Hit the Target run in, ready to attack.

But the good characters overpower the bad, and soon all the bad are dead.

"Well, that was easy!" Rosie says.

"But where can we find a stone?" Lee says.

"I've heard this story before. From my grandmother. And apparently Hashi lived right near here." Naomi says.

"So the stone can't be that far away!" Lee says.

"I've also heard it will be in a place in one of your books." Naomi says to me.

Automatically, we search the ward. Nothing.

"Most of my books are set in England though..." I say.

"Ahem!" Zahra says, leaning up against the TARDIS. The Doctor and Jordan come and lean up against the TARDIS.

"We don't have a time machine for nothing!" The Doctor says.

And I smile.

I'll find this stone in no time.

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