The Light at the End of The Maze

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As it starts to get dark, we run through the maze, trying to find a number; preferably the number 7, on the grey concrete walls.

"Why are we rushing? Naomi puffs, running after me.

"To see if we can beat them." I say still sprinting around.

"Who's 'them'? Naomi asks.

"The Grievers." I answer.

She doesn't need to say anything. She already can tell that we don't want to run into the Grievers.

We keep running, turning corners, realising it's a dead end, and running in another direction.

Soon after sprinting it seems for hours (actually it's only been 10 minutes), we reach the number 6.

"Yay!!!" everyone screams except me. Because I see the concrete starts to move. And I see something I hoped I never see in real life.

About 20 Grievers.

"Run!" I whisper and I start to run towards a wall with vines on it. I scramble up the vines, the group climbing right behind me.

But I knew that the Grievers would be able to climb as well.

I just hope that they haven't seen us yet.

I run along the the top of the walls, looking for the seventh section.

And out of the corner of my eye, I see a dark red 7 on the wall.

But there's a problem.

Grievers are surrounding it.

One smaller grieved turns and looks up, looks straight up at us.

And that griever gets all the others attention by starting to climb the wall.

And then I start to panic.

But panicking is no good, so I try to keep my cool and come up with an idea.

The grievers are getting closer.

I could leap onto the other wall, onto the vines. And as I can start to hear the grievers clanging up the wall, getting closer, I yell something as I run off the edge:


I leap as far as I can, grab the vines and swing down, and I run towards the place where we can escape.

I run across the tunnel and jump into the Griever Hole.

And then...



Was Hashi lying? She promised light not darkness?


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