Dead Men Tell No Tales

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He was gone,
He was no more;
This news had us all,
Shocked to the core.
People mourned and grieved,
The loss of an innocent soul;
The spark of grievance,
Ignited the fire of revolt.
How? When? Why?
A thousand questions swirled;
But his absence, his silence,
Would never be filled.
Why his silent cries,
Remained unheard;
That he had to pay the price,
With his own blood.
He was wronged,
Tarnished he was;
Justice was demanded,
They demanded the cause.
What had happened,
That fateful night so dark;
On millions of hearts,
It left a burning mark.
To uncover the truth,
All efforts seems to have failed;
The questions remain unanswered,
Because 'Dead Men Tell No Tales'.

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