Chapter 11

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"I am wondering," Cedar started, finishing his breakfast, Locke having already left, "How you managed to carry a mountain of weapons on you last night."

"I always carry my knives." I shrugged.

"Are they homemade?" He asked interested.

"Some of them," I said looking at him, "I would like them back."

He nodded, "Good craftsmanship, maybe whoever made them could give me some lessons."

"My father made most of them; I learnt from his manuals." I stabbed a sausage with my fork.
"I would like you to show me one day," He declared, standing up, "I will have all the resources you'll need." He cleared his throat and pushed his chair in, "In the meantime, when you two have finished here, you will find a warm bath set out for you, and clothes for training now that your arm has healed, Lady Lope. I will explain once you're ready, you have an hour to meet me in the training grounds, Mr. Nelson here will escort you." He mentioned to the older gentlemen that stood by the door patiently. Nodding goodbye, he left us with no time to question.

Mr. Nelson was a tall, older gentleman with greying hair and crinkly skin, but his eyes were bright. Finishing our breakfast quickly, Alazne and I both stood up and followed him through the door and up towards our bedrooms again, "If you need any assistance with bathing, I shall call a handmaid to assist." He offered.

Alazne shifted uncomfortably, shaking her head, and mumbling an awkward "No," as she quickly ran into her room and shut herself in.

"I can manage." I murmured quietly, shutting the door behind me. Attached to the back wall was a stone washroom and in the washroom was an oval bath overflowing with steaming water. I stepped into it unfeeling, sinking down to my chin. Taking a breath, I submerged my head and held my breath under the water until my lungs burned.

Gasping for breath I broke the surface of the water, panting. The burning in my chest was a welcoming distraction compared to the feeling of loneliness and morn.

Tears silently fell down my cheeks, mixing with the steaming water. Every time my mind drifted to him, I felt like I was stabbing myself and betraying my aunty.

My subconsciousness was conflicted, having built a shrine for my mother but still sneaking a peak of her paintings of him. I knew I would never be able to shake him; he had weaselled his way into my memory. I was glad however, that I did not know him well enough for him to affect my heart.

I stood up, refusing to let my tears fall for him and shivered as the chilly morning air hit my body. As I looked at the naked woman in the mirror, I hardly recognised myself. She was ill-looking and sickly; her face was much thinner, with her cheek bones jutting out of her face and her eyes hollowed and sunken. Her muscles looked strained against her pale skin, her hip bones and rips clearly outlined against the tightened skin, and her hair was flat and dull. Gone was the strong woman that was determined to prove everyone wrong, and in replace was this pathetic, weak, and boney looking girl.

I turned away, disgusted.


Walking out of my room, dressed in flexible, light weight, black leather clothing, I spotted Alazne leaning against her door inspecting her nails in waiting. She was dressed similar to me; but her clothes hugged her body tightly, showing off her figure. I never realised, even though she was small, how strong she truly was. The prominent muscles on her arms and legs stood proud against the tight material wrapped over her. She looked much fitter and stronger than I ever thought she was.

"What are you staring at?" She asked.

"You look good," I said, trying to keep the jealously from my voice.

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