Six Feet Apart

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Reach for my hand as we stand six feet apart.

Find my eyes and tell me that everything's going to be alright, because no matter the distance, no matter the cause and no amount of time will diminish our shine. In the heaviness of dark times or in the weightlessness of our brighter days, through the roughest of waters and the calmest midsummer day, we're in this together. There is no walking away.

Reach for my hand as we stand six feet apart.

We'll close our eyes and sigh, in remembrance of better times. Times where we weren't locked away and people didn't run astray. Times when children would fight their parents to stay home from school, who now crave to be in that very place they hated so much.

Find my eyes and tell me everything is going to be alright! Six feet feels like a thousand but to hold your hand would be our end. In this deserted street in which we stand, we both know that one day we'll be together again.

Reach for my hand as we stand six feet apart. We do not know if these treacherous times will come to an end, for mankind has not yet met its demise. Find my eyes and tell me everything is going to be alright, that no matter the distance, no matter the cause and no amount of time will be the end of you and i.

Reach for my hand as we stand six feet apart...

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